
Happy Women's Map 宮城県 日本初の女子体育専門学校の創立者 二階堂トクヨ女史 

-日本女子体育大学・二階堂トクヨ資料展示室  / Tokuyo Nikaido Memorial Museum

"Women's sports by women"

二階堂  トクヨ 女史
Ms. Tokuyo Nikaido
1880 - 1941 
宮城県大崎市三本木町 生誕
Born in Ozaki-city, Miyagi-Ken

Ms. Tokuyo Nikaido was the founder of Japan's first women's physical education specialized school. She dedicated herself to education for women, emphasizing equality with men. She introduced cricket, hockey, and tunics from England to Japan.

Tokuyo was a literature-loving girl who disliked sports. At the age of 15, she passed the assistant teacher examination and became an assistant teacher at the local Mihongi Elementary School. She was then adopted by Mr. Sadanobu Ogasawara, the president of Fukushima Minpo, and entered Fukushima Prefectural Normal School (now Fukushima University). After obtaining the qualification of a certified elementary school teacher, she became a teacher at Aburui Normal Higher Elementary School. She later enrolled in the Women's Higher Normal School (now Ochanomizu University), where she obtained teaching licenses in seven subjects: education, ethics, gymnastics, Japanese language, geography, history, and Chinese classics, and graduated. 
She was employed as a gymnastics teacher at Ishikawa Prefectural High School for Girls (now Ishikawa Prefectural Kanazawa Second High School). At first, she felt physically and mentally exhausted, but after a few months, she discovered that her condition had improved. In the summer, she attended a three-week gymnastics course taught by Miss Aokuri Iguchi, becoming enamored with Swedish gymnastics. She also received special gymnastics lessons from Canadian missionary Miss Francis Kate Morgan. Eventually, she traveled around Ishikawa Prefecture to instruct elementary school teachers in gymnastics. She also went to Kochi Prefectural Normal School (now Kochi University Faculty of Education) and held gymnastics courses there. 
At the age of 30, Tokuyo returned to her maiden name, Nikaido, and became an associate professor at her alma mater, Tokyo Women's Higher Normal School, assisting Professors Aokuri Iguchi and Michiaki Nagai. Tokuyo studied at the Kingsfield Gymnastic Training School in England. Under the leadership of Principal Martina Bergman-Österberg, a proponent of women's suffrage, she learned theories of physiology, anatomy, and hygiene, as well as practical skills in educational gymnastics, medical gymnastics, dance, and sports, and teaching methods. She was amazed by the well-managed dormitories, five meals a day, comfortable tunics for movement, and the joy of activities such as hockey, lacrosse, swimming, and dancing. She was also impressed by the achievements of female physical education teachers in society. 
Upon her return to Japan, she became a professor at Tokyo Women's Higher Normal School and Temporary Teacher Training Institute, instructing dance, gymnastics, games, and sports. During summer vacation, she held gymnastics courses all over Japan. She called on female gymnastics teachers to establish the "National Gymnastics Female Teachers Association" (later known as the Physical Education Women's Association) and became its chairperson. She also founded the magazine "Waga Chikara" to advocate the importance of women's physical education. 
In 1922, at the age of 41, she invested her own money and established the "Nikaido Gymnastics Juku" to carry out women's physical education by women's hands. The Juku served as a research institute for women's physical education and a training institution for female gymnastics teachers, providing residential female education that encompassed both home and social education. In 1926, it was elevated and renamed as the "Japan Women's Physical Education Specialized School," becoming Japan's first women's physical education specialized school. 
In her later years, she was overjoyed when, thanks to the efforts of her student Haru Tokura in Kochi Prefecture, a physical education department was established at Tokyo Women's Higher Normal School.

-日本女子体育大学・二階堂トクヨ資料展示室  Tokuyo Nikaido Memorial Museum

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