


12/23 Megumi
I want to eliminate false domestic violence in Japan. Can you tell me how DV is recognized in the US?

私は日本の虚偽DVをなくしたいと思っています. アメリカではDVがどのように認定されているか教えていただけますか?

12/24 David
First, I can't speak to the entire United States. I practice law in California. I cannot, for example, appear as an attorney in a courtroom in New York, because I'm only licensed to practice law in California. There are many things in common between states, but many differences.

まず、私は米国全体については話すことはできません。カリフォルニアで弁護士をしていますが、たとえば、ニューヨークの法廷に弁護士として出廷することはできません。なぜなら、私はカリフォルニアでしか弁護士としての資格を持っていないからです。 州間には多くの共通点がありますが、多くの相違点もあります。

We have both criminal and Family Law Domestic Violence statutes. Family Law is where my practice is centered. In Family Law, the court can make an order for the perpetrator to stay away from the protected person, and usually 100 yards away from their home, work and school. These orders also usually prohibit contact by phone or email, whether directly or through a third party.

刑事法と家族法、そしてドメスティック バイオレンス法があり、私は家族法を主に扱っている弁護士です。家族法では、裁判所は、加害者を保護対象者から離し、通常は、自宅、職場、学校から100ヤード離れることを命じることができます。 これらの命令は、通常、直接または第三者を介してで、(加害者からの)電話または電子メールによる連絡も禁止します。

What usually happens is that a person makes a request for a Temporary Domestic Violence Restraining Order, which courts routinely grant if the allegations rise to the level of domestic violence. These orders run for a maximum of 25 days in California. The person with an Order against them is entitled to a hearing within 25 days unless they agree to a longer period for the temporary order to run prior to the hearing.

通常、申し立てが家庭内暴力のレベルに達した場合、裁判所は一時的な家庭内暴力抑制命令を要求します。 これらは、カリフォルニアでは、最大 25 日間実行されます。こらの命令を受けた側は、聴聞会の前に一時的な命令を実行するためにそれ以上に長い期間が必要との裁判所の同意かなければ、25 日以内に聴聞会を受ける権利があります。

Family Law DV restraining order cases are heard by a Judge in California (in criminal cases, the defendant has a right to a jury trial). The person seeking the order has to prove the DV occurred by a preponderance of the evidence, meaning it is more likely than not (essentially 50.1%). If they are successful in making the case to the Judge that the DV occurred, they normally get a restraining order that runs anywhere from three months to five years.


DV cases are like any other court case. You present testimony, the additional testimony of any witnesses, and other evidence, then the Judge decides if the case for DV has been made. In criminal DV cases, the jury decides if the case has been made.


In Family Law, you can only get a DV restraining order, where in criminal cases the perpetrator may face prison and fines. In some cases, there can be both a Family Law DV order and criminal penalties, depending on the severity of the incident.


I recently had a case where my client had a temporary DV order against her, but we won at the hearing, because the opposing party did not present a compelling case for a longer term DV restraining order. However, that is unusual. What often happens is that the person acknowledges their conduct, and can't really offer a defense. In most of these cases, alcohol and/or drugs are involved.


To be honest, I really don't like doing DV cases. For the most part, my practice involves property division in divorces, and DV issues end up complicating these matters.

正直なところ、私は DV 事件を行うのが本当に好きではありません。ほとんどの場合、私の実務には離婚における財産分与が含まれており、DV の問題はこれらの問題を複雑にするからです。

12/24 Megumi
your report has given me a better understanding of DV cases in California.
I am very grateful for that.
I am very grateful for your report, because knowing about DV cases in other countries will be very helpful for me to review the DV recognition system in Japan.


I would like to ask your permission to make these reports available to my Twitter followers and anyone else who needs these report. 
These reports will help people in Japan to have a broader awareness of the DV recognition system and to use them as examples in their court cases.


David, please help my fellow sufferers of false DV.
In the meantime, with your permission, I would like to ask you further questions about this report.


12/24 David
No problem, though I wouldn't call what I wrote here a "report" so much as just a simple explanation of the DV restraining order system in the Family Law court. I should clarify that the preponderance of the evidence standard that I mentioned in Family Law DV cases does not apply to criminal cases. In criminal law in the United States--the entire United States--the government prosecutes the criminal case, and has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt to a unanimous jury that the defendant committed the crime. Family Law DV just gets the person against whom the domestic violence was perpetrated a stay away order. A criminal case can involve jail time, but also an order to stay away from the victim that is essentially identical to a standard DV Restraining Order.


Also, the children are often covered in the order. Unless the parent endangered the children, there will normally be some exceptions to allow visitation between the parent and child (often with some level of supervision).


12/24 Megumi

David, I read this with great interest.
Thank you very much.
I would be happy to help you in any way I can.


In Japan, no evidence is needed, only the testimony of one party to the authorities to conceal their whereabouts with the children.
In Japan, divorce results in sole custody of the children. In addition, about 90% of all divorces are collaborative divorces, which means that the divorce can take place without judicial approval. In some cases, one parent may take the children away without permission in order to deprive the other parent of custody of the children. In such cases, they use domestic violence to incriminate the other party and conceal their whereabouts.
In most cases, the alleged perpetrator is not allowed to see his or her children.

In California, if it turns out that the domestic violence was a lie, will there be any charges?



12/27 David

Generally, no. The Judge listens to the testimony of both sides, and examines the evidence, and decides which side is more credible. If there are two totally contradictory stories being told, then obviously someone is lying. That said, I've never seen a DV case where the losing side is prosecuted for perjury.


