
It is 500 years ahead of Western Europe.There were many female writers, including Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon.

Whether or not women are valued is a barometer of culture. The treatment of women is a good indicator of a country's culture. Just by that alone, there is a tremendous difference between Japan and Korea. 
Jun 09, 2019
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. 

Women in Korea without "Names" 
Discrimination against women in Korea was also very severe. 
When Japan annexed Korea in 1910, the first thing they did was to check the demographics of the Korean people, but there were no statistics.
There was not even a family register.
Furthermore, it was discovered that women did not have "first names.
They had "surnames" but were known only as "Park-san's wife," without individual names.
So, the Japanese made them give their names and create a family register.
That is how discriminated Korean women were. 
In fact, when my daughter's friend recently married a Korean, she told me, "The men eat breakfast in the living room, and the women eat in the kitchen."
So, she quickly divorced and returned home. 
In old Korean documents, the queen's name, "Empress Myeongseong," is mentioned, but the names of women of the lower classes are not.
After the Japanese created the family register, there was a sudden increase in the number of names with the Japanese-style "子" suffix, such as "芳子" or "君子.
They read them as "Yeonja," which probably means that they imitated the Japanese since Joseon had no tradition of naming names. 
Whether or not women are valued is a barometer of culture.
The treatment of women is a good indicator of a country's culture.
There is a vast difference between Japan and Korea in this respect alone. 
Incidentally, "women's literature" was already established in Japan in the 11th century.
It is 500 years ahead of Western Europe.
There were many female writers, including Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon.
In the Edo period (1603-1867), the terakoya system was established, and one-third of the teachers at terakoya were women.
In addition to the spread of education, the fact that there were already so many women in the profession is a miracle of the world. 
This article continues.

2024/1/5 in Kyoto



