
It is the best article in the world, full of facts that all Japanese citizens and people worldwide should know.

When people at JAERI talk about beta decay and the Cherenkov effect amid blue skies, vast open seas, and green pine forests, they suddenly think of Gramsci and Hara Hara Tokei.
The government decided nuclear power could not be entrusted to such a person, so they pulled out all the decent people and formed the Dynamic Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation.

The lie of 1 mSv/year still stands.
Many anti-nuclear power plant millionaires are being born who cling to that lie.
It is a re-transmission of a chapter published initially on 2019-06-07 titled "The one millisievert per year lie still stands.
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's famous column "Henkenjizai," which appeared in yesterday's issue of Shukan Shincho.
It is a brilliant article proving that he is the only journalist in the postwar world.
It is the best article in the world, full of facts that all Japanese citizens and people worldwide should know.

The Evil Kaguyahime
The first thing that changed dramatically after the establishment of JAERI in Tokai-mura was the performance of the local elementary and junior high schools.
They became the best in the prefecture. 
It is not surprising since the children of young nuclear physicists attend the school, but another change was the spread of communism. 
When the people at JAERI talked about beta decay and the Cherenkov effect amid blue skies, vast open seas, and green pine forests, they suddenly thought of Gramsci and Hara Hara Tokei.

The government decided that nuclear power could not be entrusted to such a man, so it pulled out the best and brightest and created the Dynamic Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (DFLDC). 
With a generous budget, the performance of nuclear power plants was improved, and the dream reactor "Monju" began to operate.
The DFLDC was in full bloom against the backdrop of the vindictiveness of JAERI. 

But that all changed with the tsunami and Naoto Kan.
The incompetent but wily man chose Korean-made solar panels over nuclear power plants. 
The "wily man" placed a former JAERI official in charge of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, which has full authority over nuclear power plants.
Stalin placed Jewish guards in German POW camps and made them commit more atrocities than at Auschwitz.
It is similar to that. 
As expected, the first Shunichi Tanaka immediately shut down all nuclear power plants.

Prove that the strata under the nuclear power plants have not moved for 300,000 years.
Then I will let you operate it. 
It is more challenging than an order from Kaguyahime.
Most of the nuclear power plants are not even on track to restart. 
But Tanaka was still sane in his evil way. 

The Asahi Shimbun reported on the Kawauchi Nuclear Power Plant, which was finally able to resume operations, saying, "Dosimeters in the vicinity are not functioning, and residents do not know where to run to in the event of an accident." 
It also included a commentary by a senior official of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, who said, "It was too early to restart the reactors.
The next day's editorial also dismissed the situation as "too sloppy to talk about. 
However, the dosimeters were normal, and a reporter made up the story.

*This fact must have surprised and dismayed everyone. I asked my friend who was with me, "What kind of a rotten newspaper is the Asahi Shimbun? *

Tanaka harshly criticized the newspaper, saying, "It is no longer criminal to incite residents' anxiety with lies.  
By the way, Asahi neither apologized nor made any corrections.
The Asahi newspaper scoffed, saying, "If you are anti-nuclear, you are not guilty of anything." 

Asahi also made a fuss over the approval of the restart of the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant.
What if missiles from North Korea were to be launched at the plant? 
Tanaka replied, "It would be much better to drop a missile in the middle of Tokyo than to aim it at a tiny nuclear power plant.

The moment you fire a missile, the North Korea will die.
There was no way they would aim at the remote oceanfront. 
In his way, Tanaka persuaded the residents and criticized the foolish newspapers. 

But Fuketa Toyoshi, the second generation, had no such common sense.
He started his activities only with a grudge. 
First of all, he decided to decommission Monju.
It was not an elementary school experiment, and he destroyed a ¥1 trillion project just because of a sodium spill. 

He thinks nuclear power plants are just another DFLDC monk's robe.
*There is a saying in Japan that goes, "Those who hate the monk hate the monk's robe as well."*
He has raised the hurdles for restarting the reactors to the utmost limit.
For example, the maximum tsunami on the Sea of Japan side is 5 meters, which is the scientific figure, but he demands that power companies prepare for more than double that. 

*The Noto earthquake of 1/1, one of the largest earthquakes in history, demonstrated that the scientific figure for tsunamis on the Sea of Japan side is a maximum of 5 meters*.

When the earthquake hits, the ground will liquefy.
They demanded that thousands of reinforced concrete piles be driven up to 50 meters underground to "prepare for unprecedented liquefaction." 

He also demanded counterterrorism measures.
In the U.S., each nuclear power plant must have a backup power supply and cooling water pools if a Phantom fighter jet crashes into a nuclear reactor building and causes a fire. 
Fuketa used this as a reference and demanded, "In Japan, we must assume a terrorist attack in which a four-engine jumbo jet crashes into the reactor building. 
A 50,000-ton cooling water pool 50 meters underground would be needed to meet this requirement, enough to float the battleship Yamato. 
Each nuclear power plant is now digging for such an underground pool. 

In addition to this, an additional order has been issued with a deadline to install an emergency power supply and an operation control room deep underground.
There will be no approval if they don't get it in time. 
Thus, a massive construction project, comparable to Matsushiro's underground headquarters during World War II, is underway at each nuclear power plant.
The cost is several hundred billion yen. 

But the question remains.
The enemy is either Al Qaeda or North Korea.
Why should individual nuclear power plant operators be responsible for their defense?
If Fuketa is so concerned about the safety of nuclear power plants, why doesn't the regulatory commission let the government make it safer? 

The one mSv/year lie still stands.
Many anti-nuclear power plant millionaires have been born clinging to that lie. 

The Regulatory Commission's job is to verify such injustice, but they have been left alone.
The ugly Princess Kaguyahime is unbearable to watch.


2024/1/17 in Kyoto


