「ぐるる」とは/WHAT IS "GU-RU-RU"?
This is a website for people who live crossing borders.
Global Roots and Routesの日本語カタカナ表記「グローバル・ルーツ・アンド・ルーツ」(routesは、アメリカでは「ラウツ」という読みかたも多いですが)のアタマをとって「ぐるる」にしました。
(Roots and Routesというフレーズがいつごろからこの文脈で使われるようになったのかを調べた文章はこちら)
It is an acronym from the Japanese reading of “Global Roots and Routes.”
Roots are places where your parents and ancestors lived.
Routes are places you have lived, traveled and where you may be in the future.
Global means that your roots and routes have spanned and may span globally.
「ぐるる」が伝えたい人々/WHO WE WANT TO FOCUS ON
親が外国に転勤したため、そこで生まれた人。親といっしょに引っ越して母国を離れて育つ人。何年かたって元のくにに戻った人。そのまま帰ってこない人、また別のくにに移動する人。(日本語ではいわゆる「帰国生」や「新二世」、英語ではThird Culture Kids(TCKs)あるいはGlobal Nomadsと呼ばれる人々。)
There are many people on this planet with Global Roots and Routes.
Those who were born outside their parents’ cultures because one or both of their parents were living away from their home. Those who are/were raised away from their birthland. Those who returned after a sojourn. Those who move from a country to another.
In Japanese, they may be called “Kikoku-shijo” or “Shin-nisei.”
In English, they may be called “Third Culture Kids” or “Global Nomads.”
There are those whose parents have different heritages. Those who couldn’t live in their home and emigrated as immigrants or refugees. Their second, third generations. Those who came to a different country as an international adoptee.
The life we experience is each different, but there are also similarities: You don’t know what school to go to. You do not understand the language spoken in your new classroom. As you get somewhat used to your new environment, you will notice that you are different from other children. You start to wonder who or what you are. You look back to your roots. You think about your routes.
Even when you go back to your “home” country, you notice that you are not the typical local. You might not have had the same experiences that most of the locals share among them, you might have experiences that nobody else has had, that no one can understand.
GU-RU-RU wishes to be a place where people with Global Roots and Routes share their experiences and thoughts. “I was not alone,” “These problems were not only mine, they’re common.” We can understand, empathize, and share our feelings. We hope this will empower you to your next step.
GU-RU-RU also wishes to be a place where we can discuss and think about these feelings, thoughts, anxieties, problems and our happiness. Why and how did we come to think like this? How do we cope with them? How can we come to a better understanding of the society we live in and of ourselves? How can we turn our troubles into our treasures?
We will first focus on language, education, culture and identity.
GU-RU-RU’S MOTTO is “Being Multi-Cultural Is Our Treasure. Being Multi-Lingual Is Our Power.”
The experience of living in various cultures gives us multiple perspectives. We can converge and mix the different ways of thinking and create new ways to solve new problems, we may open a new avenue of life. Your roots and routes are unique to you. That it is different from anyone else is your treasure.
Being able to read, write, speak, listen to and understand different languages doesn’t only give you chances to become friends with people of other languages or to give you different sides of the stories when looking at certain news. Every language has its own way of seeing and interpreting the world, society and people. Again, by mixing and combining these perspectives, we may see the world in a novel way. Languages are tools and wisdom. Learning a new language shall give you a new power.
GU-RU-RU wishes that upon these ideas and thoughts, we may create a brighter future for each of us and for the world.
We welcome your reactions to any of our articles or to the site in general. Please contact us at globalrootsandroutes@gmail.com.
Our official account on Twitter(X) is @globalrandr PLEASE FOLLOW US.