
My “next” year’s resolution

Hello there. How’s it going?

I mentioned the movie, “WHERE’D YOU GO, BERNADETTE” before.

After that, I was eager to read an original book and ordered it.

Finally, I received it a couple of days ago, but I’ve been busy these days.

So, I’ll declare reading it as next year’s resolution. We have another two months this year, though. Actually, I’ve just started something new recently and will focus on it until the end of this year.

As the saying goes, “Talking about next year makes the demon laugh.”

Another proverb, “Good fortune comes to the door of laughter.”

Demon, if you want to laugh at me, you can laugh to your heart’s content. I don't mind.

I believe tons of good fortune will come to me by the end of the year.

That's all for today, and to be next time. See you around.



