
▷楽しみながら、日々英語を学び続けています♪ ▷noteをはじめて、あっという間に8ヶ…


▷楽しみながら、日々英語を学び続けています♪ ▷noteをはじめて、あっという間に8ヶ月ほど経ちました!英語に関するアウトプットができて、嬉しいです。今後ともお手柔らかに、どうぞよろしくお願いします☺️


I got this Aroma Hand Cream a couple of years ago. I’ve started to use it lately and the scent of this cream makes me relaxed. I love it!🥰

    • I found out the Turkish marshmallow today. I’ve never eaten Turkish sweets and it is high resistance and yum!! I guess it is photogenic. 😋🌈

      • I hardly know they collaborate and this is the second time team-up!! It looks like until May 9th though. The products are sophisticated. ☕️🗽

        • 【英語】推しのアニメ映画『名探偵コナン👓』

          ゴールデンウィークがやって来ると、今年もコナン君の映画が来たな〜と思うのは、わたくしだけでしょうか🤓 周りの方々も盛り上がっていらっしゃいましたので、先日観て参りました🍿🎶 🕵️『名探偵コナン 100万ドルの五稜星』🗡️✨ ◻︎函館で開催される剣道大会のために、服部平次とコナンたちは函館に。そんな中、「土方歳三の日本刀を狙う」と怪盗キッドからの予告状が届く。同じ時期に倉庫街で勃発した殺人事件には、とある〈お宝〉を狙う武器承認が関わっているようで…。 ◻︎ゲスト声優として大

        I got this Aroma Hand Cream a couple of years ago. I’ve started to use it lately and the scent of this cream makes me relaxed. I love it!🥰

        • I found out the Turkish marshmallow today. I’ve never eaten Turkish sweets and it is high resistance and yum!! I guess it is photogenic. 😋🌈

        • I hardly know they collaborate and this is the second time team-up!! It looks like until May 9th though. The products are sophisticated. ☕️🗽

        • 【英語】推しのアニメ映画『名探偵コナン👓』

          Grab some coffee!!☕️When I was a student, I was working at Starbucks. I always like drinking coffee since then. The coffee is phenomenal.

          Grab some coffee!!☕️When I was a student, I was working at Starbucks. I always like drinking coffee since then. The coffee is phenomenal.

          It is May now.🍀Time flies quickly!! Spring came and then Sakura season has long passed. Anyway, let me introduce this interesting book here.

          It is May now.🍀Time flies quickly!! Spring came and then Sakura season has long passed. Anyway, let me introduce this interesting book here.

          I want to read this book and study for it for a long time. I’m doing it during the Golden Week! Nishi-Sensei’s other books look good, too.🤓📙

          I want to read this book and study for it for a long time. I’m doing it during the Golden Week! Nishi-Sensei’s other books look good, too.🤓📙



          What a bright colored book! The pictures are simply artistic. There’re many English words than I imagined and recipe for his pancakes,too.🥞

          What a bright colored book! The pictures are simply artistic. There’re many English words than I imagined and recipe for his pancakes,too.🥞

          Totally Right. Seki-Sensei says important things. Memory, Speaking, Listening, Accent, Writing, New Words and Word Trend are all important!!

          Totally Right. Seki-Sensei says important things. Memory, Speaking, Listening, Accent, Writing, New Words and Word Trend are all important!!

          I’ve gotten a beautiful gift from someone I care about. It came from Australia!! I really like the words which is written on the bookmark.🥳

          I’ve gotten a beautiful gift from someone I care about. It came from Australia!! I really like the words which is written on the bookmark.🥳


          ファッションデザイナー、コシノジュンコさんの世界が堪能出来る展覧会に行って来ました👗 『コシノジュンコ JUNKO KOSHINO 原点から現点』 ※以下、ブロシュアより抜粋致します🙇‍♀️ *大阪に生まれたコシノジュンコは、1960年に新人デザイナーの登竜門といわれる装苑賞を最年少で受賞し、以後東京を拠点にファッションデザイナーとして活動を開始します。1978年のパリコレクションの参加をはじめ、世界各地でショーを開催し高い評価を得るとともに、オペラなどの舞台衣装にも活


          This issue is very interesting than I expected. “pen” has so many outstanding photographs. I want to read this magazine’s previous issues.📘

          This issue is very interesting than I expected. “pen” has so many outstanding photographs. I want to read this magazine’s previous issues.📘

          How dramatic!! Penelope Cruz and Brad Pitt are in CHANEL’s advertisement. It’s like a scene from a movie though. They really seem ageless.🖤🖤

          How dramatic!! Penelope Cruz and Brad Pitt are in CHANEL’s advertisement. It’s like a scene from a movie though. They really seem ageless.🖤🖤

          Cherry blossoms day!! Luckily, I saw a lot of pretty flowers and they’re all extraordinary beauty. I've really enjoyed seeing “Sakura”. 🤗🌸

          Cherry blossoms day!! Luckily, I saw a lot of pretty flowers and they’re all extraordinary beauty. I've really enjoyed seeing “Sakura”. 🤗🌸

          Here we go again!! I did the “Unified Exam”, also known as the “Common Test”, and this time Reading section was well than I thought.🤓💦

          Here we go again!! I did the “Unified Exam”, also known as the “Common Test”, and this time Reading section was well than I thought.🤓💦