
The Ancient Lilith, Origins of the Goddess

投稿by フード付きコブラ666 ≫Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:04 am



リリスは、東方のラリタ(LALITA)に由来し、しばしば文字通りLALITHAとも発音されます。ラリタ(Lalita)は女神ラクシュミ(Lahksmi)の称号であり名前です。ラリタ(Lalita)は「遊び心のある人」という意味ですが、これは彼女が文字通り代表するシャクティエネルギー(Shakti energy)の神聖な用語であり、例えば大神官のドンがある時点で述べたように、ロキ(Loki)は実際にはラキ(Laki)でした。そして、これは現代英語でいうところの「LAKE(湖、湖水)」です。




女神ラリタのもう一つの名前は、カマラ(Kamala)という名前で、女神ラクシュミ(Lahksmi)の知恵を意味する添え名です。これは、ヒンドゥー教の霊的・物質的繁栄の女神であるラクシュミの別称です。しかし、ラリタは同時にトライン・パワー[三位一体]の力を示すものであり、したがってどの特定の女神よりも上位に位置しています。ラリタ・トリプラ・スンダリ(Lalita Tripura Sundari)は、三位一体の力を表すときの彼女の名前です。




ユダヤ人のカバラでは、「ゴイム」または「異邦人」の魂は、リリスを母とし、サタンを父としています。結合を形成し、ゴイムの魂を構成しています。これは、ユダヤ人が宿敵としているクリポティック・ツリー(Klippotic tree)としても知られています。これは、メシアニック・ハバド(Messianic Chabad)のラビが認めていることで、異邦人はアマレク、サタン、リリスの種です。


シュリ・ラリタ(Sri Lalita)は人類の創造主でもあります。このことは、異邦人に関しては敵も認めています。そして、最も古いヴェーダ文化の一部であり、原初の女神を純粋な形で表現しています。彼女は全宇宙の女王であり、維持者であり、創造者です。

















*「」、[ ]は原文。( )は翻訳者。

The Ancient Lilith, Origins of the Goddess(原文)
Post Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:04 am

The enemy has made sure to defame Lilith more than any other female Goddess. This is typical of their creed. This will debunk these and purify her identity.

Lilith as with anything else that the enemy stole and perverted, came from the Far East. As we know the names of the Gods are aliases and sometimes they have had thousands or hundreds, but Lilith is particularly important as this reflects the clearer reflection of the feminine divine.

Lilith comes from the eastern LALITA, frequently also pronounced literally as LALITHA. Lalita is a title and name of the Goddess Lahksmi. Lalita means "playful one", and this is a divine term of the Shakti energy which she literally represents, such as Loki which as was stated by HP Don in some point, was actually Laki. And is the modern english word for LAKE.

In the Norse world, we have the lady of the lake, the Queen of the Arthurian Legend (Arthurian Legend has to do with the Godhead and the grail) as an allegory of the feminine, Shakti energy of the universe, represented by the waters or lakes. In some fables, Loki acts 'feminine' as well, with what can be stated as a playful nature, etc, showing this very role.

Lalita means "the playful one", simply because, the feminine energy is vibrant, alive and playful. Lalita is associated with the Crown chakra, the thousand petal lotus, and the blessings that come from opening such chakra. Lilith rules the crown, and Satan rules the base. Lalita is the personification of Shakti in her own form and nothing else, the face of the feminine Divine.

The other name of the Goddess Lalita, is the name Kamala, an epithet meaning Wisdom for Goddess Lahksmi. Which is another name for Lahksmi, the Hindu Goddess of spiritual and material prosperity. But Lalita is at the same time the representation of the Trine Power (Trinity) force, and therefore she is higher than any particular Goddess. Lalita Tripura Sundari is her name when she represents the Trine Force.

Kamala as it has been stated before, has been perverted to AMALEK or AMALAK from the enemy. Which is how they call the White Race, the children of Amalek.

In Ancient Greek, Alithea means Truth, non-forgetfullness, remembering the Truth. In the literal sense this means "The Reality of the Existence and the Existence of Reality". This is backhandedly admitting the linking with the Satya, which is Truth and Reality, and is just happens by some another huge coincidence to link Satan with Lilith together, again. This is a feminine word in nature.

Remember in the Jewish Kabbalah, the Soul of the "Goyim" or the Gentile has Lilith as their Mother, and Satan as the Father. Forming the union, and constituting the Goyim Soul. This is also known as the Klippotic tree which the jews are sworn enemy of. This is what the Messianic Chabad Rabbi has admitted, that the Gentiles are the seed of the Amalek, Satan and Lilith.

Lalita and Amalek are both related to wealth, spiritual and material prosperity, and the riches bestowed on the spiritually wise. Amalek are known as the wealthy nations in jewish 'culture'. The enemy curses that and preaches impoverishment as a virtue. While they hoard all the wealth in the world possible. They hate this because wealth is a literal manifestation of the divine, same as is love and many other blessings. Lalita also rules love, materialized wealth, and all the pleasures of life, also sexual union. Which fall under the domain of the Divine and Giving mother, Shakti, which she represents in Goddess form.

Sri Lalita is also the creator of Mankind. Which the enemy also admits when it comes to the Gentiles. And is part of the most Ancient Vedic culture, representing the primordial Goddess in a pure form. She is queen of the whole universe, sustainer, and creator.

In the Joy of Satan webpage it's written that Lilith has said that she doesn't want to be summoned and she will only appear to those whom she chooses. This is also the case in Lalita, where Lalita chooses her worshipers and not the other way around in Hindu lore.

Lalita takes a major part in the war in Hindu epics against the corrupted forces of darkness and despair, and the Rabbis also are very afraid of her and mention in their kabbalistic texts that her name should better be going unsaid as she rules "MILLIONS OF DEMONS". These millions of demons can assault rabbis and kill them, assaulting them at night and causing them insanity and paranoia from which one cannot recover.

Lalitha or Lilith is actually the wife and consort of Shiva, and they are the representation of the Divine Sexual Union. As it has been stated before, Satan is Shiva. And Lalita is Lilith. Shiva and Shakti are the merging of the femine and masculine parts of the self. Bringing the union and the rising of the consciousness.

Satan is blasphemed as Amalek, the Father of the Aryan people, coming from the eastern Malek that means King. And Lalita is blasphemed as Lilith, the mother of the "Mixed Multitude" in the jewish texts. The name Lalita is also assosciated, like Lilith, with the word in English that still survives as Lilith.

Lolita, or a young prostitute (Which is an example of most jewish women who have invented all this ugly prostitution, write books about it, and promote it in all frontiers of civilization, equally so in feminism), is a word the jews use to define promiscuous women. The hate of the jewish spiritual feminine was externalized, guess where, on their enemies again.

Mistranslating with their reptilian brain (which will be blown to bits in the future), the playful essence of this energy, into 'whoredom', since as we know all the Gentiles or Goyim are born from fornication with whores, we are 'dogs' and we need to wash of our original sin in front of the jewish god. Because existing is a crime in the mind of the jews.

Additionally, the river of life, which is the adobe of the energy of Laki/Lalita/Divine Shakti, representing the Gentile generative power, abundance and wealth (Like the River Nile did which is cursed in the bible) is smitten, so they say that this was some sort of 'demon' that tried to steal their 'seed' or something, as the water represents also this energy.

The jews have shown their bottomless abuse to women and anything pertaining women, including their own, which are treated lower than cattle. For this reason the jews do not get nowhere spiritually, and are a race of ugly creatures. Those who replicate such myths are for a spiritual beheading and incessant cursing, now and for all time.

They also write some lies that deserve their hands to be severed, such as that "Lilith" comes from some sort of Akkadian small night Demon called Lilitu or something. Night "Demon" is associated with the Dark, Shakti energy.

Lilith has been 'demonized' by the jews because she is a key player in the destruction of the enemy. Lilith works and has been working for so long with the Joy of Satan clergy, and is one of the key Goddesses who work for the eradication of the jewish influences from the world.

She is the real Queen of heaven, in all her glory, power and wisdom.

