
[Study English] SUIT S5 - E16

Harvey cannot surrender Mike goes to a prison, but Mike said he wants to restart his life. Mike spent his last 3 days until going to the prison with Rachel and promised to get married until that. But Mike decided that he is not married with her in last day and he said her that he wants to get married with Rachel if she keep in her mind for 2 years. And he left his colleagues without saying good bay. This is sad story.

Words I learned were below.

  • stipulation : 規定
    The contract includes a stipulation that the project must be completed within six months.

  • verdict : 判断
    The jury reached a unanimous verdict of not guilty.

  • good for nothing : 何の役にも立たない
    He was dismissed from his job because he was considered good for nothing.

  • on my watch : 私の監視下では
    No harm will come to you on my watch.

  • discretion : 分別
    You should use your discretion when making important decisions.





