




この作品は、ラフマニノフが創作不能の状態から立ち直るきっかけとなったもので、彼の出世作とも言えます 。1897年に初演された交響曲第1番が批評家から酷評されたことで、ラフマニノフは鬱傾向と自信喪失に陥りました。その後、催眠療法を受けて回復し、1900年から1901年にかけてこのピアノ協奏曲第2番を作曲しました。1901年11月9日に初演されたこの作品は大成功を収め、その後も広く演奏されて圧倒的な人気を得ました。





The secret of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2: The drama of the composer's life and music and the collaboration between Weissenberg and Karajan

Hello. My name is Daiki Wada and I am a music critic. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 is widely known as one of the masterpieces of Romantic music, and the recording by Weissenberg and Karajan in collaboration has received particularly high praise.

The charm of this recording lies in the fusion of Karajan and the Berlin Philharmonic's magnificent and delicate orchestral sound with Weissenberg's transparent and expressive piano solo.

Karajan has a deep understanding and respect for Rachmaninoff's music, and he brilliantly brings out its rich sonorities and moving melodies. On the other hand, Weissenberg perfectly handles the technically difficult parts while expressing a rich emotional singing spirit.

This work was the opportunity for Rachmaninoff to recover from his inability to create, and can be said to be his breakthrough work. When Rachmaninoff premiered his Symphony No. 1 in 1897 and received harsh reviews from critics, he fell into depression and self-doubt. He then underwent hypnotherapy and recovered, and composed this Piano Concerto No. 2 between 1900 and 1901. This work, premiered on November 9, 1901, was a great success, and has since been widely performed, gaining overwhelming popularity.

This Piano Concerto No. 2 stands out for its beautiful melody and emotional depth, even compared to Rachmaninoff's other works. Rachmaninoff wrote a total of four piano concertos, but this No. 2 is his most popular and most romantic work. The first movement conveys a sense of Russian heaviness and sadness, while the second movement sings of sweet, heartbreaking love. The third movement has a gorgeous and light atmosphere, but it is still imbued with Russian passion.

Compared to Rachmaninoff's other piano concertos, this No. 2 is the most balanced, with a natural and effective dialogue between orchestra and piano. Furthermore, this work is a valuable work that allows us to glimpse Rachmaninoff's life and musical views, as it is a work in which he himself recovered from mental suffering.

Karajan is also known for not recording many of Rachmaninoff's works, but this Piano Concerto No. 2 is a testament to the love and passion he had for Rachmaninoff's music. This recording is a must-listen live performance to enjoy this masterpiece of Romantic music.   

I particularly like the second movement of this recording. This movement is also used as the insert song for the movie ``Meguri Aetara'', and its beauty and melancholy are overwhelming. Weissenberg's piano sounds gentle and heartrending, as if speaking to a lover. Karajan's orchestra responds by enveloping the audience with rich tones. When I listen to this recording, I feel like I too have fallen in love.

Sergei Rachmaninov



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