








• パガニーニ: カプリース第24番 - ナクソス・クラシック・キュレーションによる演奏です。

• パガニーニ=亀井聖矢:24のカプリース第24番- 服部百音と亀井聖矢によるヴァイオリンとピアノのデュオバージョンです。

• パガニーニ カプリース第24番 - 髙木凜々子による演奏です。


Niccolò Paganini: The Enigmatic Virtuoso of the Violin

Born on October 27, 1782 in Genoa, Italy, Niccolò Paganini is a name that inspires mystery and awe in the world of classical music. His life has been as eventful and fascinating as his music. His extraordinary talent paints a portrait that rivals his complex personality and the legends that surround him.

From an early age, Paganini's talent was nurtured by his father, Antonio, who taught him the mandolin and later the violin. The young Paganini's technique soon surpassed his father's teachings, and he studied with some of Genoa's most outstanding teachers. His public debut at the age of 12 heralded the emergence of a violinist whose abilities would become legendary.

Paganini's career was a series of triumphs and challenges. His playing captivated audiences, his technique was unparalleled, and his 24 Caprices in particular pushed the boundaries of violin music. But his life was not without controversy. He was constantly struggling with personal struggles: a penchant for gambling, tumultuous love affairs, and health problems.

Despite these difficulties, Paganini’s impact on the music world is immeasurable. He revolutionized violin technique and inspired generations of musicians. His playing was so moving that people attributed his abilities to supernatural forces and it was rumored that he may have made a deal with the devil to achieve such mastery.

Paganini’s later years were plagued by illness and declining health, and he eventually lost his voice. He spent his final days in Nice, France, where he died on May 27, 1840. But the legacy he left behind is immortal. Paganini is still celebrated as perhaps the greatest violinist of all time, and his work continues to challenge and inspire violinists around the world.

Niccolò Paganini is an enigmatic figure in the history of music. His life is a testament to the enduring power of art and the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity. His music combines technical mastery with emotional depth to continue to fascinate and inspire, and Paganini's name will forever resonate in the halls of musical greatness.

(Niccolò Paganini, 1782 - 1840)









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