









私は、幕末から明治維新にかけて、日本の変革に身を投じた一人である。私は、自由民権運動や政党内閣制の推進など、国民の権利と利益を守ることを目指した。しかし、その道のりは決して平坦ではなかった。私は、政敵や官僚の陰謀によって、度々失脚や暗殺の危機にさらされた。私は、政界の闇や不正に嘆き、憤り、抗った。 私は、明治十四年の政変で、国会開設を主張したために、伊藤博文らによって参議兼大蔵卿の地位を追われた。私は、明治三十一年に、板垣退助とともに初の政党内閣を組閣したが、わずか四ヶ月で崩壊した。私は、大正三年に、再び内閣総理大臣となったが、閣僚の議員買収問題などで国民の支持を失い、総辞職に至った。私は、これらの事件の背後に、政界の闇や不正があることを知っていた。 私は、政界の闇や不正に対して、常に正義と真実を求めた。私は、政府の機密文書を暴露し、国民に知らせた。私は、爆弾テロに遭っても、政敵に屈しなかった。私は、国会で、政府の不正や失策を厳しく追及した。私は、演説や著作で、国民に政治への関心と参加を呼びかけた。私は、早稲田大学を創設して、国民の教育と啓蒙に努めた。 私は、政界の闇や不正に嘆くだけではなく、それに対抗する力を持つべきだと考えた。私は、国民の声を代表する政党の必要性を説いた。私は、国民の意見を反映する国会の重要性を主張した。私は、国民の権利を保障する憲法の尊重を訴えた。私は、国民の知識と教養を高める教育の普及を推進した。私は、これらのことが、政界の闇や不正に対抗する唯一の方法だと信じた。 私は、今もなお、政界の闇や不正に嘆く。私は、今もなお、正義と真実を求める。私は、今もなお、国民の権利と利益を守る。私は、今もなお、日本の変革に身を投じる。私は、今もなお、政治家であり、教育者である。


The secret of the Shigenobu Okuma statue, the symbol of Waseda University

On Waseda University's main campus, there is a bronze statue of Shigenobu Okuma wearing a gown and holding a cane. This statue honors Shigenobu Okuma, the founder of Waseda University and a politician and educator who contributed to the modernization of Japan. However, did you know that this statue hides a certain secret?

In fact, this statue represents Shigenobu Okuma after he lost his right leg. Okuma lost his right leg on October 18, 1889. At the time, Okuma was working as Foreign Minister in negotiations to revise the treaty, but the contents of the negotiations were leaked to a British newspaper, causing a backlash in Japan. Tsuneki Kurushima, a member of the right-wing group Genyosha, was particularly angry at the condition of appointing foreign judges.

Kurushima considered Okuma a national traitor and decided to assassinate him. They then threw a bomb at the carriage Okuma was riding in in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The explosion injured Okuma's right leg, which had to be amputated. Kurushima committed suicide on the spot, but it is said that even Okuma was impressed by his courage.

Surprisingly, Okuma did not hate Kurushima, but rather admired him. Okuma said, ``I admire the courage of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to put an explosive bullet on him, no matter whether it's barbaric or not.'' Furthermore, it is said that Okuma and his wife, Ayako, never missed visiting Kurushima's grave on the anniversary of his death.

Okuma's right foot is still preserved in formalin. It is said that it is currently kept at Ryotaiji Temple, the family temple of the Okuma family. There is also a story that Okuma showed off his legs to those involved.

As you can see, the Shigenobu Okuma statue, the symbol of Waseda University, hid a surprising secret. Shigenobu Okuma had the capacity to forgive and praise the people who had blown him off his feet. By learning more about his personality and historical background, I think this statue will have a new appeal.

As you can see, the Shigenobu Okuma statue, the symbol of Waseda University, hid a surprising secret. Shigenobu Okuma had the capacity to forgive and praise the people who had blown him off his feet. By learning more about his personality and historical background, I think this statue will have a new appeal.

Shigenobu Okuma was a politician who was active from the Meiji period to the Taisho period, and was also the founder of Waseda University. While he contributed to Japan's modernization and democratization, he also suffered from the darkness and injustice of the political world. Below is an example of an essay written from his perspective.

I am one of those who devoted myself to the transformation of Japan from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji Restoration. I aimed to protect the rights and interests of the people, such as by promoting the Freedom and People's Rights Movement and the political party cabinet system. However, the path was never smooth. I was often in danger of being deposed or assassinated due to the intrigues of political opponents and bureaucrats. I grieved, was angry, and resisted the darkness and injustice in the political world. During the political upheaval of 1891, I was forced out of my position as Councilor and Minister of Finance by Hirobumi Ito and others because I advocated the establishment of a Diet. I formed the first political party cabinet with Taisuke Itagaki in 1891, but it collapsed in just four months. I became Prime Minister again in 1912, but I lost the support of the people due to issues such as the purchase of cabinet members, leading to my resignation en masse. I knew that behind these incidents there was darkness and corruption in the political world. I have always sought justice and truth against the darkness and injustice of the political world. I exposed confidential government documents and informed the public. Even when I was bombed, I did not give in to my political opponents. In the Diet, I rigorously investigated the government's fraud and failures. In my speeches and writings, I appealed to the people to take an interest in and participate in politics. I founded Waseda University and worked to educate and enlighten the nation. I believe that we should not only lament the darkness and injustice in the political world, but also have the power to fight against it. I preached the necessity of a political party that represents the voice of the people. I emphasized the importance of the Diet reflecting the opinions of the people. I appealed for respect for the Constitution, which guarantees the rights of the people. I promoted the spread of education that increases the knowledge and education of the people. I believed that these were the only ways to combat the darkness and injustice in the political world. I still deplore the darkness and injustice in the political world. I still seek justice and truth. I will continue to protect the rights and interests of the people. I am still committed to reforming Japan. I am still a politician and an educator.

This essay was created using my imagination and knowledge, based on the life and thoughts of Shigenobu Okuma. Please note that his actual words may differ.

Shigenobu Okuma statue

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