
地球暦 2024年5月6日












Earth Calendar May 6, 2024

In our culture, the concept of music does not exist, but I encountered Earth's "classical music" and was amazed by its complexity and beauty. In particular, the works of the composer "Beethoven" seem to express the depth of the emotions of Earthlings.

Their music is more than just an arrangement of sounds. It resonates with people's hearts across time and has been passed down for centuries. Earthlings call it "art" and place a high value on it.

Forms such as "symphonies" and "concertos" are made by many instruments working together to create one large piece of music. This cooperation may be closely related to the sociality of Earthlings.

Since we aliens do not have emotions, we cannot directly experience the emotions that music creates. However, by observing the special emotions that Earthlings have towards music, we may be able to gain clues to a deeper understanding of their culture.

Earth's classical music: from an alien's perspective

Hello, extraterrestrials! Today, let me tell you about an amazing discovery called Earth's "classical music". This new experience was truly an eye-opener, as our culture has no concept of music.

First of all, I remember when I encountered the work of a composer named Beethoven. His music is said to express the depth of emotions of Earthlings, but we cannot understand those emotions. Nevertheless, I felt that the reason his music has been loved for centuries is because of its complexity and beauty.

Earthlings call music "art" and highly value it. Music is more than just an arrangement of sounds, and it resonates in people's hearts across time. In particular, forms such as "symphonies" and "concertos" involve many instruments working together to create one large piece of music. This cooperation is closely related to the sociality of Earthlings.

Since we aliens do not have emotions, we cannot directly experience the emotions that music creates, but by observing the special emotions that Earthlings have toward music, we can gain clues to a deeper understanding of their culture. Music is like a mirror that reflects the history, philosophy, and inner thoughts of Earthlings.

Earth's classical music is a new journey of discovery for us. Through the music created by Earthlings, who have emotions that are not found in our culture, we can get a glimpse into their world. We would like to continue to deepen our understanding by continuing to learn about Earth's music and the rich culture behind it.

So, see you in the next note. Stay tuned for more discoveries about Earth's music!







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