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Mahler's Symphony No. 6, composed between 1903 and 1904, is the most tragic of his symphonies. Mahler dedicated this work to his beloved wife Alma, but after that his life was beset by various misfortunes. This work is a long symphony of approximately 80 minutes, consisting of four movements: the first movement Allegro Energeco, the second movement Scherzo, the third movement Andante Moderato, and the fourth movement Finale. It reflects the happiness and misfortune of Mahler's life, and uses a large orchestra and percussion to depict the grand musical contrasts and blows of fate.

This symphony is one of the few among Mahler's many symphonies, and maintains a classical four-movement format.

Although it has been given the nickname "tragic," the beginning, development, turn, and conclusion are clear, and given the depth of its content, it can be said to indicate the path to the "Ninth" toward the final conclusion of Mahler's symphonies. .

These symphonies contain a variety of content, but their essence is the struggle against the fear of death, and the longing and obsession with life that contrasts with it.

I think this applies to almost all symphonies except the so-called horn symphonies of the ``2nd'' to ``4th,'' but it can be said that it is especially noticeable in the ``9th'' and the ``6th,'' which serves as the opening act. .

When it comes to symphonies that carry such heavy burdens, Bernstein comes into his own as a Mahler conductor, just like a fish out of water.

The DVD in which Bernstein conducted the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the best performances of Mahler's Symphony No. 6. Bernstein's approach in this performance, like his other symphonies, is the height of richness.

Bernstein's performances boldly make use of changes in tempo, dynamics, and accelerando, creating a dramatic expression that cannot be asked for any more. For example, at the beginning of the first movement, the A minor theme is played powerfully, expressing Mahler's vitality and creativity. Also, at the end of the fourth movement, the powerful hammer blow symbolizes the blow of Mahler's fate.

Still, the richness of emotion in the third movement and other parts is the height of beauty, and the range of ups and downs in the musical expression is extraordinarily large.

The final movement's powerful and spectacular expressions, full of vitality, are powerful enough to touch the heart of the listener.

What is also wonderful is the excellent performance of the Vienna Philharmonic, which I would like to highly praise for its success in adding moisture and depth to Bernstein's fierce and almost passionate expressions.

This performance is performed in the scherzo-andante order, which is the order of movements that Mahler first completed. This order follows the flow of Mahler's life, emphasizing the contrasts from the strength of the first movement to the lightness of the second, and from the beauty of the third movement to the tragedy of the fourth. Bernstein plays them in this order, respecting Mahler's original intention.

However, Mahler later changed the order, making the second movement the Andante and the third movement the Scherzo. This order follows the structure of Mahler's music, and the tonality of the first and second movements in A minor, and the third and fourth movements in A major, becomes clear. Additionally, the second movement's Andante serves as a counterpoint to the fourth movement's tragedy, and the third movement's scherzo foreshadows the fourth movement's tragedy. This order was also adopted in Mahler's last published edition and is now commonplace.

As for the order of the movements, there is no correct one, and it is clear that Mahler himself was unsure. Personally, I think that the Scherzo-Andante order adopted by Bernstein gives a better sense of the contrast between Mahler's life and the blow of fate. However, I also think that the order of the Andante-Scherzo makes the correspondence between the structure and tonality of Mahler's music more clear. I think either order will allow you to capture the charm of Mahler's 6th Symphony from different angles.

Mahler's Symphony No. 6 is a spectacular work that puts human drama into music. This work, which conveys the contrast between Mahler's life and the blows of fate, deeply moves and shocks the listener. Every time I listen to this work, I feel Bernstein's passion and love for Mahler's music.

Thank you for reading this article to the end. Mahler's Symphony No. 6 is one of my favorite works, but there are many other great works and performances. Please come and experience the world of Mahler's music.

Gustav Mahler 1860-1911

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