









Solti brings out the horror and splendor of ``Faust's Punishment''! Must-see live recording and footage from 1989!

Hello, music fans. This time, I would like to talk about the dramatic story ``The Punishment of Faust,'' which is a masterpiece by French composer Berlioz.

This work is based on the play ``Faust'' by the German literary great Goethe. Faust is the story of Faust, a scholar who makes a deal with the devil Mephistopheles to sell his soul in search of knowledge and pleasure, and Marguerite, a village girl who is loved by him but suffers an unfortunate fate. Berlioz brilliantly portrayed this epic story through music. The music created by the orchestra, soloists, and chorus is both terrifying and beautiful.

There have been many great performances of this work, but the one that moved me the most was the one performed at the Royal Albert Hall in 1989 by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Georg Solti. This performance was recorded live, and footage is also available.

Solti loved this work throughout his life, and this performance can be considered his masterpiece. He has a deep understanding of Berlioz's music and is able to freely manipulate it. He masterfully controls the flow of the music and draws the listener into the world of Faust and Mephistopheles. He brings out the horror and grandeur of this work to the fullest.

What was particularly impressive in this performance was the scene with Marguerite in the third part. Marguerite is sung by Anne-Sophie von Otter, a mezzo-soprano with a beautiful voice. She movingly depicts her repentance for her sins, even as she is attracted to Faust. Her songs ``King of Thule'' and ``Love Duet'' touch the hearts of listeners.

Part 4, “Ride to Hell” is also a masterpiece. The hellish scene presented by the orchestra and chorus evokes fear and excitement. Keith Lewis, who plays the role of Faust, also shows the richness of expression of his regret and anguish for selling his soul. He gives a realistic performance of Faust's descent into hell.

I recommend this performance to everyone. You can watch the video of this performance from the link below. Please fully enjoy the charm of this work.

Hector Berlioz



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