










Dragon Quest's famous songs are now available in an orchestra! My original story of being moved by the magnificent performance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jun Märkl.

Hello, Dragon Quest fans. This time, I would like to write my thoughts on the special selection of Symphonic Suite "Dragon Quest" performed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra at the special performance of NHK Music Festival 2022. The conductor is Jun Märkl, a German conductor who is active all over the world.

In this performance, popular songs such as Lotto's Theme and Lullaby of Time were selected from Dragon Quest's famous songs and recreated with the rich sound of the orchestra. I'm a big fan of Dragon Quest, so I was really looking forward to hearing this performance. When I actually listened to it, I was more impressed than I expected. The sounds of the orchestra vividly depicted the world of Dragon Quest, and I felt as if I were the main character.

Particularly impressive was the song ``Taking on an immortal enemy with fire.'' This song fit perfectly with the original story I had in mind. The story I came up with is as follows.

The main character is an orphan in the Fire Kingdom who works as a blacksmith's apprentice. He thought he had no special powers, but one day, when he was caught in a volcanic eruption and almost died, He awakens to the ability to manipulate fire. He learns that this ability is the mark of the Chosen One, and is taken by the Sage of Fire to meet other Chosen Ones. They meet the other Chosen Ones in the Water Kingdom. A woman who is a princess and has the ability to manipulate water, a thief from the Wind Kingdom and a man who has the ability to manipulate wind, and a priest from the Earth Kingdom who has the ability to manipulate earth. Go on a journey to save.

Along the way, they encounter various difficulties. You must overcome eight trials using the power of fire, water, wind, and earth. Each challenge not only tests their strength, but also their hearts, beliefs, and friendships. They face their pasts, secrets, and fears, and help each other to grow. They must also face the minions, traps, and temptations of the evil one. The Evil One is a being who seeks to uncover ancient secrets, kill gods, and destroy the world. He rules over four kingdoms and torments the people. He also tries to get one of the Chosen One to betray him and win him over to his side.

The final battle takes place in the castle of the evil one. He uses his power to tear apart the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the sky, trying to end the world. The Chosen Ones confront him, but he shows overwhelming power. He kills one of the Chosen Ones and injures the other three. However, the protagonist does not give up. He unleashes all his power and challenges the evil one. Will he be able to overcome him? Or will he lose to him? The fate of the world depends on his blow. 

Listening to the orchestra while listening to this story felt like a movie soundtrack. During the battle scenes, the music expressed emotions such as tension, courage, sadness, and anger, and it warmed my heart. In the final battle, at the moment when the main character's fire power explodes, the orchestra's volume reaches its maximum volume, giving an overwhelming sense of impact. And when the Lotto theme played as the main character triumphed over the evil one, I burst into tears. The orchestra's performance stimulated my imagination and immersed me in the world of Dragon Quest.

This performance was not only great for Dragon Quest fans, but also a great opportunity to enjoy the orchestral music. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and applause to Mr. Jun Märkl and the members of the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra. It was a night where Dragon Quest's famous songs were given new life through orchestral performances.




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