










The Passion and Glory of Joan of Arc, passionately performed by Seiji Ozawa - Listen to Honegger's dramatic oratorio

Joan of Arc is a woman known as a French hero. She fought to save the King of France according to her divine command, but she was captured by her enemies and burned at the stake. She was then canonized by the Catholic Church. Her life and death have been the subject of many works of art.

Among these works, Arthur Honegger's dramatic oratorio ``Joan d'Arc at the stake'' is particularly famous. Honegger was a Swiss composer who had a great influence on 20th century music. Together with a poet named Paul Claudel, he expressed the story of Joan of Arc through music and poetry. This work takes the form of Joan of Arc looking back on her own life from the time she dies on the stake, and her series of events and her mission are unraveled. Proceed with Honegger used a variety of instruments, voices, texts, musical expressions and effects in this work to dramatically depict the suffering and glory of Joan of Arc.

One of the best performances of this work is the one conducted by Seiji Ozawa. Ozawa is one of Japan's leading conductors, and has performed with famous orchestras and singers from around the world. He has been a fan of Honegger's works for many years, and in 1989 he conducted ``Joan of Arc at the stake'' at a performance commemorating the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution. This performance has been released as a live recording on CD. He has also performed on stage with the Saito Kinen Orchestra in Japan.

What kind of charm and characteristics does ``Joan of Arc at the stake'' under Ozawa's direction have? When I listened to this work, I felt the following.

First of all, Ozawa brilliantly expresses the dramatic developments and shocking scenes in this work. For example, in the fourth scene, ``Joanne Delivered to the Beast,'' musical instruments and singing voices imitating the voices of animals such as pigs, donkeys, and sheep satirically depict Joan's unfair trial. Ozawa skillfully balances the comical and tragic aspects of this scene. In Scene 11, ``Joan of Arc in Flames,'' percussion instruments that imitate the sound of fire and the Ondes Martenot realistically express the fear and suffering of Joan of Arc at the stake. Ozawa heightens the tension and emotion of this scene.

Secondly, Ozawa also brilliantly expresses the lyrical beauty and mysterious atmosphere of this work. For example, in the first scene, "Voice of Heaven," soprano and alto soloists gently sing the voice calling for Jeanne from heaven. Ozawa brings out the calm and sublimity of this scene. Also, scene 9, "Jeanne's Sword", details the time when Jeanne got her sword in her church. In this scene, Jeanne is sung by a singer rather than an actor. Ozawa conveys the emotional high and sacred mood of this scene.

Finally, Ozawa also takes into consideration the multi-layered text and music structure of this work. This work includes not only biblical texts and chorales, but also free verse arias and arioso. Additionally, this work is symmetrically constructed, with a chorale in the center. Ozawa understands the meaning and relationship between the text and music in this work, and clarifies the importance and role of each scene.

``Joan of Arc at the stake'' conducted by Ozawa brings out the charm of Honegger's work to the fullest. Ozawa passionately, movingly, creatively and intelligently depicts the suffering and glory of Joan of Arc. By listening to this work, we are deeply moved by the life and death of Joan of Arc, and are able to think about our own faith and life. Ozawa's ``Joan of Arc at the stake'' is a masterpiece that will remain in music history.



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