










Experienced Bach's music in ``Musical Offering'' conducted by Karl Richter. Enjoy the pinnacle of baroque music

Hello, music lovers. Today, I would like to introduce a masterpiece of one of Bach's favorite works, ``Musical Offering,'' conducted by Karl Richter.

Bach was a German composer who lived from 1685 to 1750. He is widely regarded as the pinnacle of baroque music. He created masterpieces in many genres, mainly church music and organ music, including cantatas, oratorios, passions, masses, concertos, sonatas, suites, preludes and fugues. He mastered the technique of overlapping multiple melodies called polyphony. He expressed his faith in God and admiration for nature in his music.

The Musical Offering is a polyphonic masterpiece written by Bach in his later years. This work is developed in various forms, including canon and fugue, based on themes given to him by King Frederick II of Prussia. Bach dedicated this work to the king, but it is said that the king was unable to appreciate its greatness.

However, from this work we can feel Bach's musical depth and creativity. In particular, I think the 1963 recording conducted by Karl Richter is the best representation of this work.

Richter is a conductor famous for playing Bach using modern instruments. He was able to impart not only rigor and gravity to Bach's music, but also beauty and emotion. The Musical Offering conducted by him is performed by a small ensemble, but each part reflects Richter's intentions, creating a sense of unity and tension.

I especially like the "Trio Sonata." In this piece, the flute, violin, and harpsichord each play an independent melody, while the basso continuo provides a sense of stability. Nicolet flutes have a sense of transparency and elegance. Meinecke's viola has warmth and richness. Richter's harpsichord has clarity and power. These tones harmonize exquisitely, bringing out the charm of Bach's polyphony.

Although this recording was made before playing period instruments became fashionable, it still doesn't feel old-fashioned when you listen to it today. Rather, this recording conveys that Bach's music is imbued with human emotions and thoughts. Through this recording, we can reexamine ourselves by experiencing Bach's music.

Every time I listen to this recording, I appreciate Bach and Richter. They gave us a great gift of music. Everyone please give it a listen.




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