

Today is the end of Week4 since I studied at school. Actually I attempted to avoid taking with Japanese students. I want to think about everything in English. But I tried If I can quickly switch to use between Japanese and English in this week. Unfortunately, the result is not good. My brain was returned to think in Japanese again. After all, I am not clever yet. I had used Japanese language too much this week.

We tried rolling play about Court Case today in our class. But the rolling play didn’t have a script. So we were confused. What time the case happened?
What is their (Victim and Suspect) work?
Where is the case happened?
Such conditions were not suggested before start to discuss.
I feel we have wasted time.

I often take lunch with Chinese classmate on Friday.
He had moved (or changed) to house 6 times.
According to him, last host family was so crazy.
The host father suddenly became angry and threw away their luggage.
He didn’t know the reasons.
His laptop and camera was broken.
But they don’t apologize and pay for repairing.
I can’t believe that.
He has often talked me “Changing the house is the Gamble.”
That is true, that is correct.
