
March 5, 2023: Cyclists, Helmet, Cycle-only Lanes(自転車に乗る人、ヘルメット、自転車専用道路)

It is said that cyclists must wear a helmet from April. But it is only an obligation to do their best and there is no penalty. Few cyclists seem to wear helmets. Above all, almost no adults seem to wear them. I know that wearing a helmet is important for safe cycling. But what is more important for cyclists in Japan is to boost the number of cycle-only lanes. Fortunately, my town has them in some areas. And some of them are on a busy main road near my home. They are on both sides of the wide car road, together with pavements. They are wide enough for two bikes to pass each other. The lanes are one of the reasons why I bought the flat where I am now. Before I bought the flat, I visited a few other flats. But I could not find any better one than the current one. They had no cycle-only lane. It has been about thirty years since then. But I cannot see any significant increase in the number of cycle-only lanes.



