
May 3, 2024: Kansai Dialect (関西弁)

Recently, I have been trying to change the way I talk with myself. I tend to have talks with myself many times a day, which helps me a lot to stay calm. Mostly, I talk with myself in my heart. But sometimes, I spontaneously talk to myself out loud. Then, I suddenly realise, with shame, that I have done it, and I check to see if no one has heard what I have said. Nevertheless, I will continue to talk with myself as long as I do it in my heart.
But, one day, I found myself doing it in a standard language. And I wondered if I had no choice but the language to talk with myself. Then, I came up with the idea of doing it in the Kansai dialect. I had been using the dialect for about 23 years when I was in Kyoto. So, I began to use it to see what the change would do to me. Then, I felt something I had never felt when I was using the standard language. And I began to talk with myself in a spoken style. When I had used the standard language, my talks with myself had been very formal, with no laughter, as if I had been being interviewed. But once I did it in a spoken style, using the Kansai dialect, I could relax more and have more lively conversations with myself than before. I was able to ask myself more questions and get more funny answers from myself. It was as if I had a comic dialogue with the other me in my heart. I enjoyed it very much, and it helped me stay calmer and more relaxed. So, I have been using the style ever since.
I also began to use the style for my morning routine, journaling. In the past, I used to write down what I had in mind at that moment in a literary style, using the standard language. So, it was very formal and was not good enough to give way to my feelings. So, I changed to the style mentioned above. I wrote down what I had in my mind in the spoken style in the Kansai dialect. Then, I could feel more comfortable and have livelier conversations with myself. During a talk with myself, I could ask myself more questions in the Kansai dialect, such as ‘Hoide’ (and then what? in English) and ‘Nandeya’ (why ? in English). Then, I found myself trying to make the other me laugh.
The Kansai dialect has given me a breath of fresh air.

 最近、自分との対話の仕方を変えようとしています。ボクは、一日に何度も自身と対話することがあります。たいていは心の中でするのですが、知らないうちに、声に出して独り言を言うことがあります。 そのときは、自分がやってしまったことが恥ずかしくなり、独り言が聞かれていなかったか確認します。それでも、心の中で自分と対話をしている限りは、これを続けるつもりです。


