
Hydrogen Basic Strategy: Key to Unlocking Japan's Future

Hydrogen Basic Strategy: Key to Unlocking Japan's Future

Hydrogen is garnering worldwide attention as a crucial resource for bolstering energy security and economic growth. The Japanese government has been proactively promoting initiatives towards realizing a hydrogen society based on the "Hydrogen Basic Strategy" adopted by the Cabinet in 2017.

The revised Hydrogen Basic Strategy in March 2023 sets forth ambitious goals of achieving 1 million tons of annual hydrogen consumption domestically by 2030 and 30 million tons by 2050 to contribute to carbon neutrality. Overcoming several challenges is crucial to achieving these targets.

1. Ensuring Safety

Given hydrogen's combustibility and explosive potential, ensuring safety during storage and transportation is of utmost importance.

Concrete Initiatives

  • Establishing safety standards and guidelines for hydrogen: Examples include the "Safety Standards for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles" formulated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the "Technical Standards for Hydrogen Facilities Based on the High Pressure Gas Safety Act" established by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.

  • Enhancing the safety of hydrogen utilization equipment: Development of hydrogen leak detection and explosion prevention devices is underway.

  • Implementing safety education and training: Training sessions for hydrogen handlers and hydrogen accident response drills are being conducted.

  • Establishing a response system for hydrogen accidents: The Fire and Disaster Management Agency has developed the "Hydrogen Accident Response Manual."

2. Cost Reduction

It is essential to lower the costs of hydrogen production, supply, and utilization to improve economic viability.

Concrete Initiatives

  • Reducing hydrogen production costs: Efforts are being made to improve the efficiency of water electrolysis equipment and expand the use of renewable energy.

  • Developing hydrogen supply infrastructure: Construction of hydrogen stations and hydrogen pipelines is progressing.

  • Developing hydrogen utilization equipment: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and fuel cell forklifts are being developed.

  • Reducing the cost of hydrogen fuel cells: Mass production and technological innovation are anticipated to drive down costs.

3. Creating Demand

Promoting hydrogen utilization in a wide range of fields, including electricity, mobility, industry, and residential applications, is necessary.

Concrete Initiatives

  • Promoting hydrogen utilization policies: Examples include the "Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Strategic Roadmap" formulated by the government and the "Hydrogen Vehicle導入促進事業補助金" (Hydrogen Vehicle導入促進事業補助金) provided by METI.

  • Developing hydrogen utilization technologies: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and fuel cell power generation systems are being developed.

  • Developing hydrogen utilization infrastructure: Construction of hydrogen stations and hydrogen pipelines is progressing.

  • Raising public awareness: Events and information dissemination about hydrogen are being conducted.

4. Strengthening International Competitiveness

Enhancing overseas market competitiveness, international standardization, and public-private collaboration are crucial.

Concrete Initiatives

  • Accelerating hydrogen technology development: Expanding government R&D investment and strengthening collaboration with private companies are being pursued.

  • Strengthening international collaboration: Active participation in international conferences and promotion of international joint research are underway.

  • Supporting overseas market expansion: Government-led trade and investment promotion and collaboration with local companies are being implemented.

5. Others

Expanding hydrogen utilization requires understanding and cooperation from society as a whole. The Hydrogen Basic Strategy needs periodic reviews and updates based on the latest information.

Realizing a hydrogen society holds immense potential for Japan's future. By working together, the government and private sector can transform this potential into reality.


  • METI: "Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Strategic Roadmap"

  • Ministry of the Environment: "Hydrogen Energy Policy"

  • Cabinet Office: "Strategic Innovation Creation Program (SIP)"
