








BowGriP fun trip report from Yamagata! (It's fiction)

Hello everyone! I'm BowGriP Rakuyuubi. This time's destination is Yamagata, a beautiful prefecture in Japan. Yamagata is known for its natural beauty and rich culture, but the reason I came here is even more special. It's to experience Yamagata's music and culture!

First, we visited Tateishokuji Temple, one of the most iconic places in Yamagata. This ancient temple surrounded by mountains is like music played by an orchestra in the sky. I played a beautiful melody in my heart to match the scenery. Of course, your fingertips are protected by BowGriP, so you don't have to be afraid of the cold!

Next, I had the opportunity to experience Yamagata's traditional craft, Yamagata casting. Its smooth surface is like my own cushion. It's the perfect environment to get inspired as a musician.

And I can't forget Yamagata's delicious fruits, especially cherries. The sweet and juicy cherries are like a harmony playing in your mouth. I enjoy a concert of tastes every time I eat.

The trip to Yamagata was a series of new discoveries and excitement for me. As a small accessory that protects the fingertips of musicians, I would like to continue traveling to many places and turning the charm of each place into music.

Where should I go next? I would love to visit your city too! Well then, it was BowGriP fun. We hope you enjoyed the report from Yamagata. Look forward to your next adventure!


