








BowGriP RakuYuubi, travel report from Miyagi! (It's fiction)

Hello everyone! I'm BowGriP Rakuyuubi. This time, I came to the beautiful Miyagi Prefecture. Miyagi is famous for its spectacular view of Matsushima, but I would like to explore this place from a slightly different angle.

First, I walked along Jozenji Street in Sendai City. This street lined with cherry blossom trees turns pink in spring. My cushioned material is as soft as these cherry blossom petals and gently protects the musician's fingertips. We took a short break under the cherry blossoms and interacted with the locals. They were a little surprised by my presence, but got excited talking about music!

Next, we enjoyed the gourmet food of Miyagi. Beef tongue, bamboo kamaboko, zunda mochi...oh, they were all delicious! Although food is not my material, these delicious dishes have inspired me to create new music.

Finally, we went on a cruise in Matsushima Bay. The scenery where the blue of the sea and the blue of the sky intersect is like my black material sparkling. The sound of the waves was like the rhythm of beautiful music, and I wanted to play a melody that harmonized with nature.

Miyagi Prefecture is a wonderful place filled with natural beauty, rich culture, and delicious food. I, BowGriP Rakuyuubi, would like to continue traveling all over Japan and converting the charm of each region into music. Where should I go next? If you have any recommended places, please let us know!

Well then, it was BowGriP fun. We hope you enjoyed the report from Miyagi. Look forward to your next adventure!


