







BowGriP fun trip report from Iwate! (It's fiction)

Hello everyone! I am BowGriP, a small accessory created to help musicians. This time, I left the world of music and went on a journey to explore the charms of Iwate Prefecture. Iwate Prefecture is a beautiful region facing the Sea of Japan, and is a place steeped in history and culture.

My first stop was Chusonji, a world heritage site. This place is known for its beautiful architecture and Buddhist statues from the Heian period, and the Golden Hall is truly breathtaking. I was deeply moved by the harmony of history here, as well as the harmony of music.

Next we headed to Motsuji Temple's Pure Land Garden. Here, I was captivated by the beauty of the vast pond and the graceful curves of the water's edge, while thinking back to the Heian period. Beautiful rhythms exist in both music and nature.

We then visited Ryusendo Cave to experience the nature of Iwate. This is a mysterious cave where colorful stalactites welcomed me. The silence inside the cave, like a musical interlude, gave me new discoveries and excitement.

My trip to Iwate Prefecture was full of new discoveries and excitement for me. I learned that there is deep beauty not only in music, but also in history and nature. As BowGriP Rakuyuubi, we would like to continue to convey the charms of various places. Please come and experience the wonders of Iwate Prefecture!


