
No.02 Introduction. (Nissho Bookkeeping Test 3rd Grade.)

In this article, I provide learning materials in English for foreigners aiming to pass the Nissho Bookkeeping Level 3 examination.

If you haven't checked out Article No.01 yet, please do so here. It offers detailed information about the benefits of studying bookkeeping and how to use the learning materials.

This time, we'll be learning about the overall picture of bookkeeping. From recording daily transactions to understanding the ultimate output of bookkeeping.

Among the content you'll learn in this article, make sure to memorize the five elements of bookkeeping. They'll be used in the study from No.3 onward, so let's commit them to memory here.

複式簿記、仕訳、勘定科目:Double-entry bookkeeping, journal entries, account name

In companies, daily transactions are recorded in books. This recording of entries is termed bookkeeping, abbreviated from ledger entries. One method of bookkeeping is known as double-entry bookkeeping.

The process of recording transaction details in books is called journal entries. Let's look at an example of a simple journal entry.

Paid employee wages of 1,000 yen in cash.

(給料)1,000 / (現金)1,000
(Salaries)1,000 / (Cash)1,000

これが複式簿記による仕訳です。真ん中の / は左右を分かりやすくするために記入してあります。
This is a journal entry using double-entry bookkeeping. The "/" in the middle is inserted for clarity between the left and right sides.

Terms used for bookkeeping purposes, such as "Salaries" or "Cash," are referred to as account name.

借方、貸方:Debit, credit

In the earlier journal entry, salaries were written on the left side, and cash on the right side.

(給料)1,000 / (現金)1,000
(Salaries)1,000 / (Cash)1,000

In bookkeeping, the left side is called "debit" (かりかた - karikata), and the right side is called "credit" (かしかた - kashikata).

It's advisable to simply memorize these terms as they are, as they are just names. It might be helpful to associate them with the shapes of the hiragana characters "かり" and "かし" .

In bookkeeping entries, a distinctive feature is that the values on the debit side always match the values on the credit side. As we proceed with numerous entries, let's ensure to verify this correspondence each time!

簿記における5つの要素:The Five Elements in Bookkeeping

When classifying account name, they can be categorized into the following five elements:

When making entries, if there is an increase in any account name, it will be recorded on either the left or right side.

In other words, if an asset increases, it will be recorded on the debit side, and if it decreases, it will be recorded on the credit side. For liabilities, if there is an increase, it will be recorded on the credit side, and if it decreases, it will be recorded on the debit side.

For instance, the previously mentioned "salaries" and "cash" are classified as expenses and assets, respectively. So, when we say "paid employee wages of 1,000 yen in cash," it means...

An increase in expenses for salaries.
A decrease in assets for cash.

Therefore, we record salaries as a debit and cash as a credit.

(給料)1,000 / (現金)1,000
(Salaries)1,000 / (Cash)1,000

Let's now proceed to learn about each of the five elements.

◆ 資産:Assets.

Cash, saving account, land, and similar items are categorized as assets. If these account name increase, they are recorded on the left side (debit); if they decrease, they are recorded on the right side (credit).

◆ 負債:Liabilities.

Borrowings from banks, obligations that must be repaid later, fall under liabilities. If the liabilities increase, they are recorded on the right side (credit); if they decrease, they are recorded on the left side (debit).

◆ 純資産:Net assets.

For instance, money received from shareholders as investment capital is termed net assets. If net assets increase, it's recorded on the right side (credit); if it decreases, it's recorded on the left side (debit).

◆ 費用:Expenses.

Costs incurred in running a company, like salaries, utility bills, are classified as expenses. If expenses increase, they are recorded on the left side (debit); if they decrease, they are recorded on the right side (credit).

◆ 収益:Revenue.

Sales of goods generate revenue. Also, money deposited in banks might earn interest. Such items that increase a company's profits fall under revenue. If revenue increases, it's recorded on the right side (credit); if it decreases, it's recorded on the left side (debit).

As you progress in your studies, you'll be journalizing various account names. Each time, strive to remember which of the five elements the account belongs to.

Maintaining this awareness significantly advances your understanding of bookkeeping. Conversely, neglecting this aspect might make mastering bookkeeping challenging.

貸借対照表、損益計算書:Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement.

The ultimate goal of bookkeeping is to create a balance sheet(B/S) and an profit and loss statement(P/L).

As part of studying bookkeeping, it's beneficial to have a general understanding of what the final outputs look like, which are the B/S and P/L.

You'll revisit these in the latter stages of your bookkeeping studies, so there's nothing specific to memorize at this stage.

◆ 貸借対照表:Balance Sheet (B/S).

The document that consolidates the accounts of assets, liabilities, and net assets is known as a balance sheet.

This represents the stock of assets, liabilities, and net assets at a specific point in time. This condition is referred to as the financial position.

Below is an example of a balance sheet.

◆ 損益計算書:Profit and Loss Statement (P/L).

The document that consolidates the accounts of expenses and revenues is known as an profit and loss statement.

This represents how much expenses and revenues occurred over a specific period. This is referred to as the operating results. The P/L is a snapshot taken over a specific period, making it a flow information.

By subtracting expenses from revenues, one can calculate how much profit a company made during a specific period.

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I have prepared practice exercises to check your understanding of the content covered in this article.

Make good use of these exercises to solidify your understanding!

練習問題:Practice exercises

The exercises this time consist of four questions.

Q1. 簿記における5つの要素を全て答えよ。

A1. 資産、負債、純資産、費用、収益

Q.2 5つの要素について、借方に記入されるもの、貸方に記入されるものはそれぞれ何か?

A2. 借方:資産、費用。 貸方:負債、純資産、収益

Q3. 決算で作成される財務諸表として、代表的なものを2つ答えなさい。

A3. 貸借対照表、損益計算書

Q4. 貸借対照表はある時点の( A )を表し、損益計算書はある期間の( B )を表す。A、Bに入る語句は?

A4. A:財政状態 B:経営成績
