インターネット調査室: 「They Supported Biden in 2020. What Made Them Change Their Minds in 2024?」

今回は「They Supported Biden in 2020. What Made Them Change Their Minds in 2024?」について見ていきましょう。

The New York Times: 17  Mar,2024

「They Supported Biden in 2020. What Made Them Change Their Minds in 2024?」

Frederick Westbrook, a retired Las Vegas hotel worker, voted for President Joe Biden in 2020 — as a vote to get Donald Trump out of office. He now calls that “the biggest mistake of my life.”

In a recent set of polls, Trump led Biden in five of six key battleground states, including Nevada. Across the states, Biden does not have the support of 14% of the respondents who said they voted for him in 2020


They more often are young or Hispanic — groups that have historically voted for Democrats in large numbers, but are to some degree moving toward Republicans. (There are not major differences in the education level of voters who are sticking with Biden and those who aren’t.)

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Biden is “a good guy,” Sheffield said. “But when I look at him, he looks weak. With North Korea, Putin, and all those boys ready to act, I think they will be a little bit more reluctant to challenge Trump than they would with Biden.” He plans to vote for Trump.

In interviews, the Biden defectors repeatedly brought up prices. Inflation is still lingering at 3.4%, although it has slowed significantly since its 2022 high (9%).



日本: 麻生さんがこないだ、トランプ氏に会いに行ったり、日本政府として国際的な場所での発言も「世界にはいろいろなシステムがある」などとバイデン政権推しの「民主主義が~」の発言を使わなくなっていますね。

中国: トランプ氏、ことあるごとに対中国関税上げ発言 ー> 中国的には、国際通商上違反だー! と言いつつ、トランプ氏の再選を考慮し投資先を東南アジアへジワジワシフト。

検索キー:  They Supported Biden in 2020. What Made Them Change Their Minds in 2024?
