
Vancouver’s perfect scenery

Tokyo - the city I was born and live in, has nothing but tall buildings all crammed together in a tight space. That “tight space” goes on pretty much forever, all over the Kanto Plains (関東平野). That’s why going to the beach, going hiking in the mountains, or doing anything in nature takes a long time to even get to the place.

In Vancouver, it is the complete opposite. Vancouver city is surrounded by tall mountains formed by the Canadian Rockies, and there are a few bays which are all from the Pacific Ocean.

See the difference? Vancouver’s surrounded by mountains and nature, while Tokyo is a forever going city.

From my sister’s apartment which sits around the residential area, the downtown area is only 25 minutes away, whereas in Tokyo where I live, it takes more than 40 minutes. Beaches are about a 20 minute walk away in Vancouver, but it takes more than an hour to even get to a little sea wall in the middle of Tokyo from my home in Tokyo. The summit of the Grouse mountain in Vancouver is about an hour away from my sister’s apartment, but you’ll need to take a little car trip for about 3 hours to even get to the bottom of the mountains in Tokyo.

Vancouver pretty much has everything in reach. That’s why it’s such a great city, both for tourists and locals. I’m very jealous of my sister for living here in Vancouver. She took me (she still is) to some amazing places, so I’ll make a little list of them with pictures. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

1. UBC (university of British Columbia)

Inside the ”nest” building! See how the structure behind looks some sort of like a nest? It’s bustling with people here!
Irving K library. 
The “Harry Potter room”. It looks like it would be in a Harry Potter scene. Best place in the world if you want to concentrate.
Chemistry building. Some of the oldest buildings in UBC campus!
There’s even a little hiking trail in the campus!
That trail led to the “wreck beach”. It’s beautiful during the golden hours. Unfortunately I arrived there on a cloudy afternoon.

2. Stanley park 

Nice reflection 👌
A lot of tall trees.
These are the “totem poles” it’s there to represent the indigenous peoples who was living in Canada before colonisation.
The famous Siwash rock. It’s unique structure makes it a great tourist attraction.

3. Downtown

Amazing skyline 😍
Vancouver's got a clear ocean as well!
Nice view of the golden hour 👌
Grouse mountain in the background 

4. Lynn Canyon

Very tall suspension bridge!
Up a rock 🪨 
Emerald green water! It was super cold!
Nice colours!
This bended tree was just waiting for me to sit on it!

5. Grouse mountain

Taking a gondola 🚠 
Amazing ride on a lift!
Vancouver’s views from above
These attractions were very high up. It was super scary.
Gotta love the mountains 

Today, I will go to another place called the deep cove. It sure deserves to be on this list of amazing places, so I’ll add them once I get home. See you in a few hours!
