



In 1994, I visited Vietnam for the first time and became hooked, eventually returning there many times. At that time, I remembered that Robert Capa had died from stepping on a landmine in Vietnam. However, I had never heard the story of anyone visiting the exact location where Capa had died.

As I researched further, I discovered that the details of Capa's death were actually recorded quite extensively by John Mecklin, a journalist for Time-Life who was with Capa at the time. Mecklin recorded information such as the time, distance, and name of the fortress where Capa died. Mecklin even witnessed Capa's death firsthand.

Richard Whelan's biography of Capa was based on Mecklin's account and provided even more detailed information. I read this biography and felt confident that I could easily locate the site where Capa had died and pay my respects.

In June of 1998, I set out to find the site. However, when I arrived in Vietnam, no one had heard of Robert Capa, and there was no fortress with the name provided in Mecklin's account between Nam Dinh and Thai Binh. There were many inconsistencies, and I felt frustrated that I couldn't find the site.

I realized that I needed to conduct a proper investigation to find the location. Finally, in 2004, the year marking the 50th anniversary of Capa's death, I was able to find the site.

In this book, I detail the story of my discovery, why Capa, who had declared that he would no longer take photographs in war zones, had returned to the battlefield, and why a veteran war photographer had stepped on a landmine.

1954年4月13日~5月1日 日本滞在
1954年5月1日~5月25日 インドシナ取材
1954年5月25日 ロバート・キャパ最期の日

●ロバート・キャパ最期の日 (東京書籍) 諸事情で重版はないようです。ただ電子本に近いうちなりそうです。
●「ロバート・キャパ最期の日」 書評
●ロバート・キャパ最後の日BLOG 過去のものです。更新はしていません。

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