











1. メンバー選定:卓越した才能と多様性を求めて



2. 世界観の共有:マクロからミクロへ、俯瞰と深掘りを



3. 戦略の作り方:明確なフレームワークで迷いを断ち切る



4. 戦略コンサルタントへの戒め:自社の力で未来を切り拓く






Strategic Planning: Project Management for Success


In today's dynamic business landscape, strategic planning has become increasingly crucial for companies to navigate the ever-changing competitive landscape and societal shifts. However, many organizations struggle to effectively execute strategic planning, often resulting in suboptimal outcomes.

Strategic Planning as a Project

This essay adopts a project management approach to strategic planning, outlining three key preparatory steps and success factors for effective implementation.

1. Team Selection: Seeking Excellence and Diversity

Strategic planning is a mission-critical endeavor that demands exceptional talent. Assembling a team of highly skilled individuals is paramount. However, excellence extends beyond mere experience or credentials. Creativity, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to generate innovative ideas are equally essential.

To foster a well-rounded team, embracing diversity is crucial. Including individuals with diverse perspectives, such as those with unconventional approaches, women, and those from different cultural backgrounds, enriches the strategic planning process.

2. Shared Worldview: From Macro to Micro, Panorama to Depth

Establishing a shared worldview among team members is fundamental to strategic planning success. A comprehensive understanding of the current global landscape, competitive dynamics, and prevailing societal trends is essential for formulating sound strategies.

This begins with grasping global macroeconomic trends, sustainable development goals (SDGs), geopolitical power structures, and the competitive environment surrounding the organization. By analyzing this information, companies can gain insights into their own strengths, weaknesses, and the broader context in which they operate.

3. Crafting a Strategic Approach: A Clear Framework to Eliminate Ambiguity

Defining a structured approach to strategy formulation is crucial for effective planning. Employing frameworks such as SWOT analysis and 3C analysis provides a systematic approach to strategy development. These frameworks guide the logical construction of strategies and facilitate clear communication among team members.

Standardizing documentation procedures further streamlines collaboration and ensures alignment throughout the process.

4. Wary of Consultants: Empowering Self-Reliance for a Thriving Future

The outsourcing of strategic planning to consultants has become increasingly prevalent. However, relying solely on external expertise is a misguided approach. Consultants serve as valuable advisors, but the onus lies with the organization to take ownership of the strategic planning process.

Conducting in-house research and analysis deepens the understanding of the company's business, competitive landscape, and market dynamics. This proactive approach fosters employee engagement and enhances the likelihood of successful strategy execution.


Strategic planning is a strategic project that demands careful planning and execution. Assembling a team of exceptional individuals, establishing a shared worldview, adopting a structured approach, and maintaining self-reliance are cornerstones of successful strategic planning. By embracing these principles, organizations can effectively navigate the competitive landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

Additional Insights from English Sources

  • Harvard Business Review: "The Strategy Toolkit: A Guide for Managers in Action" by Michael E. Porter

  • McKinsey & Company: "Strategic Planning: The Art and Science of Making Decisions" by Kaplan and Norton

  • The Boston Consulting Group: "The Strategy Book: Five Winning Frameworks for Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage" by Igor Ansoff

By incorporating these insights from renowned English sources, organizations can further refine their strategic planning processes and enhance their competitive edge.
