合成の誤謬 The Fallacy of Composition

The Fallacy of Composition

The fallacy of composition is a logical error that occurs when an assumption about the behavior of individuals is applied to the behavior of a group. In other words, it is the assumption that what is true for the part is also true for the whole.

This fallacy can be seen in many different contexts, including economics, resource management, and social policy.


One of the most famous examples of the fallacy of composition is the paradox of thrift. This paradox states that if everyone saves more money, the economy as a whole will slow down. This is because savings lead to lower consumption, which in turn leads to lower production and employment.

Another example of the fallacy of composition in economics is the division of labor. The division of labor is a system in which workers specialize in different tasks. This can lead to increased productivity for individual workers, but it can also lead to unemployment if there is not enough demand for the specialized products or services.

Resource Management

The tragedy of the commons is another example of the fallacy of composition. The tragedy of the commons is a situation in which individuals acting in their own self-interest deplete a shared resource. For example, if everyone fishes too much in a common lake, the lake will eventually become depleted and no one will be able to fish.

The free rider problem is a similar example. The free rider problem is a situation in which individuals benefit from a public good without paying for it. For example, if everyone uses a public park without paying a fee, the park will eventually become overcrowded and unusable.

Social Policy

In social policy, the fallacy of composition can be seen in policies that are designed to help individuals but end up harming the group as a whole. For example, a policy that provides free housing to everyone may lead to a decrease in the supply of housing and an increase in housing prices.


The fallacy of composition is a common logical error that can have serious consequences. It is important to be aware of this fallacy and to consider the potential unintended consequences of our actions.
