一時の判断で永遠に地理的な重要性を失ってしまった:大日本帝国とロシア帝国の失敗 The Ripple Effects of Imperial Blunders: The Refusal of Hawaiian Royal Marriage and the Sale of Alaska



ロシアも、もしアラスカがロシア(ソ連)領のままであったならば、冷戦を相当有利に戦えた可能性があります。 そのくらい、ハワイとアラスカは地理的に重要なポイントなのです。

ハワイからならば、空母と組み合わせてアメリカ本土まで到達でき、空襲できた可能性があります。アラスカからも、西海岸ならば可能でしょう。 もちろん、侵略戦争は絶対にやってはいけないことですが、一方で、強さを誇示することで心理的に相手を攻撃させないことも重要なのです。このあたりは、理想主義だけでは平和を守れない難しさがあります。

The Ripple Effects of Imperial Blunders: The Refusal of Hawaiian Royal Marriage and the Sale of Alaska


The late 19th century witnessed two significant historical events that continue to resonate today: the refusal of a marriage proposal between a Hawaiian princess and a Japanese prince, and the sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States. While seemingly unrelated, these events were both consequences of imperial overreach and had far-reaching consequences for the respective nations involved.

The Refusal of Hawaiian Royal Marriage:

In 1887, King Kalākaua of Hawaii proposed a marriage between his niece, Princess Kaʻiulani, and Prince Komatsu Akihito of Japan. This strategic alliance aimed to strengthen Hawaii's position in the face of growing American influence. However, the Japanese government, fearing potential complications with the United States, rejected the proposal.

The Sale of Alaska:

In 1867, Russia sold Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million. This decision was driven by financial constraints and a desire to prevent the region from falling into British hands. However, the sale had profound consequences for Russia, as it lost a valuable territory and strategic foothold in the North Pacific.

Consequences for Hawaii:

The rejection of the marriage proposal left Hawaii vulnerable to American influence. Without a strong ally, the Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown in 1893, and the islands were eventually annexed by the United States in 1898.

Consequences for Russia:

The sale of Alaska marked a significant loss for Russia. The region was rich in natural resources and held strategic importance. The loss of Alaska also weakened Russia's position in the Pacific and contributed to its decline as a global power.


The refusal of the Hawaiian royal marriage and the sale of Alaska were both instances of imperial miscalculation. These decisions had far-reaching consequences for the nations involved, shaping the course of history in the Pacific. By understanding these historical events, we can learn from the mistakes of the past and strive for a more just and equitable future.

Additional Points to Consider:

  • The role of racism and colonialism in these events.

  • The impact of these events on the indigenous peoples of Hawaii and Alaska.

  • The lessons learned from these historical events for contemporary geopolitics.
