
People person

Even though I don’t have a strong interest in any particular person, their personalities, thoughts or experiences catch my attention. Above all, I suppose interacting with people with deferent experiences or thoughts makes my life more profound. However, I’m not a people person who just loves talking to everyone. Even if I feel like someone’s personality doesn’t much mine or their identity feels toxic to me, I break off the relationship with no mercy. Whether I meet someone in person, get to know them through an app or elsewhere, it’s not a big deal for me. I can see their traits from their responses, writings, or the words they choose.

Speaking of an app, I've gotten to know a Japanese woman who is one year older than me and is currently in the UK through an app. She told to me that she's having a hard time to decide whether to go back to Japan or stay in the UK because she doesn't feel progress in herself and isn't satisfied with her situation. Even though she is just someone I've met through an app, I root for her sincerely and hope her life is being fulfilling.

Have a lovely day.

[ New Words ]
※ volatile emotion : 不安定な感情


