
Random thoughts

As I was about to fall asleep, I was randomly thinking about how my heart is kind of like one of those patched-up with sturdy glue. Once it got broken by sharp bows and arrows, I managed to piece it back together, feeling the pain as I pulled them out, gathering up all the scattered pieces. But I suppose everyone feels this type of pain as they grow up. I once made a promise to myself never to dwell on past losses but to focus on present. Since then, I haven't cried because of them, accepting and embracing all that slipped through my fingers. It just took me a long time to accept.

Btw, I had a lot to do last weekend, but got it all done! I started an online English conversation, applied for a language school and transferred money, got a new credit card, picked out a gift for my mother's birthday, and did usual housework like doing laundry, tidying up my room, or meal prepping. What a productive weekend I had! Then, I started watching 'Bridgerton' on Netflix, which is a drama depicting a relationship between a duke and a woman with a beautiful face in the era a British queen. (Perhaps)

Have a wonderful day :P

[ New Words ]
・bow and arrow : 弓矢
・piece together : くっつける
・slip through (one's fingers) : ~から滑り落ちる


