
Get ready

I often wonder why I have such strange dream. Don’t you think I have odd dreams so frequently? In last night’s dream, tiny little octopuses stuck to my sleeves (very disgusting). Ewww, I don’t want to even remember it. Then, the scene changed to a place where there were several high school friends and we were struggling with a practical exam. (I don't know why. What is the test for?) But actually, I couldn't challenge that exam because of fear and ended up back at the starting line, almost crying and shivering. I found a sign saying 'Get ready. Nobody knows what might happen next.' For me, it was too scary to move forward. I think that dream demonstrated my inner voice; diving into an unknown place is frightening. It felt like it was too dark to look ahead. The place was covered with thick darkness. But don't let yourself be swallowed up by darkness.

It's Fridayyy today! May you have fun with your special weekend :)


