



・ジェイコブ・フランク(1726~1791年)[Jacob Frank]が、シャバタイ・ゼビィは、メシア[救世主]の生まれ変わりと主張→

サバティアン・フランキスト【Sabbatean Frankist

・アダム・ヴァイスハウプト 1776年5月1日イルミナティを結成(『ユダヤ・ロスチャイルド世界冷酷支配年表p.44 アンドリュー・ヒッチコック著、太田龍監訳』)

・マイヤー ・アムシェル・ロスチャイルド  1760年(メイヤー・アムシェル・バウアーから改名)(同上書p.41)

『ジェイコブ・フランク(ユダヤ教異端=人生観→イエズス会を通して、バチカンに浸透)+アダム・ヴァイスハウプト(政治権力=新世界秩序・New World Order)+マイヤー・アムシェル・ロスチャイルド(世界金融支配)』


The Yorkshire Lass氏のTwitterからの引用(機械翻訳)。

『  アドレナクロムと臓器採取は、エリートにとって年間1,517億ドルの価値がある世界最大のビジネスでした。悪魔の儀式の虐待、レイプ、殺人、食べ物、狩猟パーティー、臓器の収穫などのために、年間約800万人の子供たちが人身売買されました。あなたはあなたから真実を隠すためにカバールによって設計されたマトリックスに住んでいます。あなたの食べ物と水は、あなたが自分自身のために批判的に考えるのを止めるために毒されています、あなたはそれがあなたを殺すためにジャブを取るように強要されました、あなたは質問をしないようにあなたを洗脳する教育を与えられています、あなたは芯まで腐敗している司法制度を与えられています、あなたは子供の人身売買に関与している人口減少アジェンダの一部である政府を与えられ、彼ら自身の力と利益のために選挙をリグします、あなたはあなたを殺すための医療システムを与えられています。



それはとても悪で邪悪になったので、神は私たちの下に住んでいたモンスターから神の子供たちを救うために毎日命を危険にさらす勇敢な男性と女性の助けを借りて介入しなければなりませんでした。私はこれを言います - 私たちが知る必要がある厳しい真実が来ています。今がその時です、私たちの多くは何年も真実を知っていました。私たちが癒し、より良い地球を作るのを助ける時間を持つことができるように、人類は前進する必要があります。神は私たちの軍隊を祝福し、神は人類を祝福します。

午後3時47分 · 2024年5月15日 』

“ Adrenachrome and organ harvesting was the biggest business in the world worth a $151.7 Billion a year for the elites. Around 8 million children were trafficked a year for satanic ritual abuse, rape, murder, food, hunting parties, harvesting organs and so much more. You are living in a matrix designed by the cabal to hide the truth from you. Your food and water have been poisoned to stop you from critically thinking for yourselves, you were coerced into taking the jabs for it to kill you, you are given education to brainwash you so you don’t ask questions, you are given a Justice system that’s corrupt to the core, you are given a Government that are part of the depopulation agenda that are involved in trafficking children and rig elections for their own power and gain, you are given a medical system to murder you.

In the next coming months the whole world will know about the children, the truth will unite Humanity. This will be the biggest reveal in Human History and it’s going to hit so hard that many will not accept it. A high percentage of the people you know and love on the Tel-lie-vision are involved in the trafficking of children, big names will be dropped. You are already seeing it. When you learn about the human hunting parties which involved all Royals in the world headed by our UK Rothschild Royal Family who were Nazi Zionists it will shock you to the core. Our UK Royal family were Satanists, they worshiped Baal and had no empathy for humanity. Many people have tried to speak out against them and were murdered for it like Princess Diana and Jill Dando who was working on uncovering a huge Paedo ring inside the BBC before she died.

I can see we (the awakened) are the majority now as much is already being revealed on the world stage. People are waking up to the Covid jabs and realising that they are biological weapons that are killing and harming people. The truth is this goes bigger that convid. This was always about the children, and saving as many as we can. It goes bigger than Epstein but it all connects to Epstein and Maxwell which again all connects to our fake satanic UK Royal Nazi family with Prince Andrew deeply connected. You are about to learn how deep the satanic swamp went. The cabal infiltrated every single system on our planet.

It got so bad and evil that God had to intervene with the help of brave men and women that risk their lives everyday to rescue Gods children from the monsters that lived below us. I’ll say this - hard truths are coming we need to know. Now is the time, many of us have known the truth for years. Humanity needs to move forward so we can have that time to heal and help create a better Earth. God bless our Military and God bless Humanity.

3:47 PM · May 15, 2024 ”
