
September 21, 2024

At the end of August, I started experiencing COVID symptoms and hadn’t been feeling well for quite some time.

For five days, I was barely able to do anything and spent most of my time lying down.

The following week, I forced myself to go to work, but even just commuting made my fever rise, and I felt terrible. I also had a terrible cough and runny nose.

During the week after that, I recovered significantly, but I still found myself closing my eyes on the way to work. In other words, I didn’t have the energy to even use my phone. Even after arriving at the office, I had to sit and rest in the locker room for a while before starting my work at my desk.

After last week’s three-day weekend, I’m feeling much better this week. I can even jog a bit when I’m about to miss the train. Of course, I can also use my phone during my commute again.

I have three days off starting today. I resumed the exercise I had been putting off for so long. I only did a little bit to avoid putting too much strain on my body.

While I was bedridden, I promised myself, “Once I feel better, I’ll make sure to cherish each day more.”

I’ve come to realize that being healthy and having no physical issues is something we often take for granted, but it’s not guaranteed.

I want to make sure I don’t waste this healthy state, so I plan to enjoy tomorrow’s day off as well.
