
Quarantine Diary 4/20/20


ロスの友達はもともとわたしの日本語の生徒。2012年に出会ってすぐ、「今度17歳になるんです。Happy Birthdayって日本語でなんていうんですか?」と大学の食堂で話しかけられてキュートすぎてクラクラした。京都に留学したり、お互いの家族にも会っていて、ひとまわり年下の大事な友達。zineにも参加してくれてます。写真は6年前くらい?わたし、顔痩せたな…。丸顔のみなさん、30前後であたりで顔痩せませんでしたか。




Day 33! Last night we watched Netflix on the chair for the first time. Because we thought it was hurting our body when we watching and lying down. It was like a movie theater, and we liked it. Went bed early, and woke up early, but slept again. 

My friend Serena was used be my Japanese student. When we met in 2012, she came to me saying "my 17th birthday is coming soon! How do you say happy birthday in Japanese?" in the cafeteria. She was too cute. Then she studied in Kyoto, we met each other's family, over 8 years, we became a good friends despite the fact that she is 12 years younger than me. Her Instagram post for my birthday was so lovely. 

I worked on computer in the morning. We are having a new project to get a new artist. Usually, we hunt and look for a new artist, but this time we are accepting a new talent. I got a few response, and it's encouraging. 

I sent my zine to Rochester NY, and it arrived today after two weeks! Wow. It is slow but working anyway. I wish the postal service will never shout down, but... The most important thing is those essential workers' safety. NY state is demanding that the federal will pay bonus to them. One third of them are from low income household, and almost half of them are people of color. Cuomo says that we will rebuild better NY. I really wish so.

My husband found this guy online. He collects everyone's secret. You can send him a postcard writing your deepest secret. It is so interesting! It's ongoing project. Do you have any secret? I do, but I don't care if anyone know my secret, and so I don't think it's a secret anymore...

LOVE, Yuko

zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!