

※トップ画は Helena Pallarésさんが描いたものです





Centered Self: The Connection Between Inner Well-Being and Social Change




タイトル:Self-Inquiry for Social Change Leaders

社会起業家との会話の多くで、この感情のいくつかのバージョンを聞いています。 「私は最初の5年間はアドレナリンに乗っていました」と、英国を本拠とする市民エンゲージメント企業であるBite the Ballotの創設者であるMike Sani氏は述べています。 「人々は魅力的な部分だけを見るが、低いところの深さは誰にもわからない。 私は自分の使命をもっと早く達成できなかったと自分を責めました。 偽者症候群に悩まされました。 私の家族は誰も私が何をしたのか理解していませんでした。 私は信じられないほど孤独を感じました。

We’ve heard some version of this sentiment in many of our conversations with social entrepreneurs. “I was riding on adrenaline for the first five years,” said Mike Sani, founder of the UK-based civic engagement enterprise Bite the Ballot. “People only see the glamorous parts, but no one knows the depths of the lows. I blamed myself for not achieving our mission faster. I suffered from imposter syndrome. None of my family members understood what I did. I felt incredibly lonely.”

他の社会起業家、特に政治的または社会的に敏感な問題に取り組んでいる起業家は、仕事量、不安、および社会的圧力のために燃え尽き症候群のリスクが高まっています。 「そのシステムを変更することを目的として抑圧的なシステムで作業するとき、あなたは自分が持っている力がどれほど少ないか、そして抑圧者がどれだけのパワーがあるかを常に意識しています」 LGBTIとセックスワーカーの人権を支援する基金。 「私は7年間休暇を取らなかった。恐ろしい同性愛嫌悪の法律がアフリカの議会で議論され、可決されている間、休憩を取ることが不可能だと感じたからだ。」

Other social entrepreneurs, particularly those working on politically or socially sensitive issues, are at heightened risk for burnout due to work loads, anxiety, and social pressure. “When you work in an oppressive system with the goal of changing that system, you are constantly aware of how little power you have and how much power the oppressors have,” said Wanja Muguongo, founding executive director of UHAI EASHRI, Africa’s first indigenous activist fund supporting LGBTI and sex-worker human rights. “I didn’t take a holiday for seven years, because it felt impossible to take a break while terrible homophobic laws were being debated and passed in African legislatures.”

ムガウォンゴが絶え間ないペースと絶え間ないストレスに直面すると、やがて燃え尽き症候群を引き起こしました。彼女の考えによると、深く持続する自己反省を引き起こし、最終的に彼女は辞任しました。 「私は人権に消費されて、私の成人生活全体を働かせました」と彼女は言った。 「初めて「私はこれをしていないとき、私は誰ですか?」と自分自身に尋ねました。私は出口計画を開始することを決め、それから私は自分の役割を辞任しました。

The unrelenting pace and constant stress Mugauongo faced eventually triggered burnout—a reckoning she says provoked deep and sustained self-refection, and ultimately led her to step down. “I had been consumed by human rights work my entire adult life,” she said. “For the first time I asked myself, ‘Who am I when I am not doing this?’ I decided to start exit-planning, and then I resigned from my role, which I needed to do because of my burnout and fatigue.”

これらは、この1年間に私たちと共有した多くの勇気ある洞察の起業家、慈善家、およびその他の社会変革のリーダーのほんの一部にすぎません。 The Wellbeing Projectと共同で実施した私たちの研究には、30名のリーダーとの綿密なインタビューが含まれており、彼らは自己探求(内部の仕事、個人の仕事、セルフケアとしても知られています)とその変化を通じて彼ら自身について発見した新しい洞察を特定しましたそれらはそれらの洞察の結果として制定されました。また、どのツール、プログラム、リソースが最も効果的であるかを理解するために、それらの実践の性質についても調査しました。

These were just a few of many courageous insights entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and other social change leaders shared with us over the past year. Our research, conducted in collaboration with The Wellbeing Project, included in-depth interviews with 30 different leaders to identify new insights they discovered about themselves through self-inquiry (also known as inner work, personal work, or self-care) and the changes they enacted as a result of those insights. We also inquired about the nature of those practices to understand what tools, programs, and resources have proved most effective.


As the first article in this series on well-being suggested, we found that continuous self-inquiry helped leaders manage their energy and resilience, become more effective team leaders, and develop more meaningful collaborations with other organizations to drive sustained, positive change in the way the current individuals, organizations, and governments address problems. Here, we take a closer look at some of the specific shifts leaders experienced through self-inquiry and which practices worked for them.


私たちは自己探求を、自己認識を高め、自己認識を高め、目的と喜びに再接続し、過去のトラウマから癒し、そして特に対人関係に関してより健康的な行動パターンにシフトするという明確な目標で行われる反省のプロセスと定義します 。


How Self-Inquiry Takes Shape

We define self-inquiry as a process of self-examination and reflection undertaken with an explicit goal of increasing self-awareness, reconnecting with purpose and joy, healing from past trauma, and shifting toward healthier patterns of behavior, especially in regard to interpersonal interactions.

Useful skills cultivated through a self-inquiry practice include deep listening, patience, compassion, clarity, and a systems-level view of how various issues, people, and partners affect each other.


自己探求に焦点を当てたトレーニングセンター、The Center for Self-Leadershipの創設者である心理学者Richard Schwartzは、自己探求の結果である8つの「C」について説明します。


The value of self-inquiry is attracting growing recognition, both in the social sector and beyond.

Psychologist Richard Schwartz, founder of The Center for Self-Leadership, a training center focused on self-inquiry, describes eight “C’s” that are outcomes of self-inquiry: calmness, curiosity, clarity, compassion, confidence, creativity, courage, and connectedness.

一方、リーダーシップ開発会社Reboot.ioのCEOであり共同創設者でもあるジェリー・コロンナ氏は、これまで数十人の経営者や起業家を支援し、彼らが人間性、回復力、平静さを持ってリーダーシップを発揮できるよう支援してきました。彼の新刊『Reboot.io. リーダーシップと成長の術』では、「根本的な自己探求は、一歩下がって自分の人生のパターンと、自分を形作る力を見ることを可能にします」と書いています。彼は、それがまれであり、しばしば落胆しているので、自己探求を一部では急進的なものと考えています。"私たちは自己探求を自分勝手なものとして考えるように社会化されていますが、真実からかけ離れたものは何もありませんでした。自己探求は、私たちがより良いリーダーになるだけでなく、私たちはより良い、より幸せな、より弾力性のある人々になるのに役立ちます"

Meanwhile, Jerry Colonna, CEO and co-founder of the leadership development firm Reboot.io, has worked with dozens of executives and entrepreneurs to help them lead with humanity, resilience, and equanimity. In his new book, Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up, he writes, “Radical self-inquiry allows us to step back and see the patterns in our lives and the forces that shape who we are.” He considers self-inquiry radical in part, because it’s rare and often discouraged. “We are socialized to consider self-inquiry as self-indulgent, nothing could be farther from the truth. Self-inquiry not only makes us better leaders, but also helps us be better, happier, more resilient people.”


バージニア大学の観照的科学センターのエグゼクティブディレクターであるデビッド・ジャーマノ氏は、「人間の繁栄」についてのコースを教えており、学生がより健康的でより積極的な人生を送るためのトレーニングを行っています。"私たちがより良いパフォーマンスを発揮したいのであれば、私たちが従事している実践に注意を払い、その実践が私たちの深い価値観に沿った結果を生み出しているかどうかを評価する必要があります。感情的には元気ですが、身体的にはボロボロです」とは言えません。あなたの実践と、それが生み出すアウトプットと結果の間のつながりを理解する必要があります。" 彼の本の中で神聖な経済学、著者チャールズ・アイゼンシュタインはまた、この接続を強調しています。"究極的には、自己の仕事は、世界での仕事と不可分です。それぞれが他のミラー、それぞれが他のための車両です。我々は自分自身を変更すると、私たちの価値観や行動が同様に変更されます。


The causal link between self-examination and behavior change is at the core of self-inquiry.

David Germano, executive director of the Contemplative Sciences Center at the University of Virginia, teaches a course on “human flourishing” that trains students to lead healthier and more engaged lives. “If we want to perform better,” he said in our interview, “we need to pay attention to the practices we engage in, and assess whether those practices are producing outcomes aligned with our deepest values. You canʼt say, ‘Iʼm flourishing emotionally, but Iʼm a physical wreck.’ You need to understand the connection between your practices, and the outputs and outcomes they produce.” In his book Sacred Economics, author Charles Eisenstein also emphasizes this connection: “Ultimately, work on self is inseparable from work in the world. Each mirrors the other; each is a vehicle for the other. When we change ourselves, our values and actions change as well.”

For leaders interested in developing a self-inquiry practice but aren’t sure where to start, we recommend the following:


Start now. Don’t wait until you burn out or your organization forces you out. If you tell yourself you’ll start self-inquiry in six months “once things calm down” or you are struggling to carve out the time, remind yourself that it is not self-indulgent. It is not a luxury. Self-inquiry is foundational to your success and resilience in work and life.

小さなことから始めましょう。現在に留まる能力を高めるために、毎日のマインドフルネスの練習を積み重ねていきましょう。これは、朝や重要な交流の前に5分間の深呼吸の練習をしたり、HeadspaceやInsight Timerのような瞑想アプリを使ったり、通勤中や地元の公園で身の回りの景色や音を観察する時間を毎日設けることを意味しています。

Start small. Build a daily mindfulness practice to enhance your capacity to stay in the present. This might mean doing five minutes of deep-breathing exercises in the morning or before important interactions, using a meditation app like Headspace or Insight Timer, or spending some time each day observing sights and sounds around you during your commute or at a local park.


Cultivate your social support system. Intentionally seek out authentic, intimate, peer-to-peer interactions. Find others working on their own practices, and have personal conversations about how your practice is going and what you are learning about yourself.


Introduce self-inquiry into your organization. This might include short “check-ins” and “check-outs” to inquire how your colleagues are doing before and after a team meeting, or simple gestures like taking a colleague to lunch. It can also mean using facilitators and retreats to create safe spaces for candid feedback, and developing more transparent, authentic work relationships.


Consider a coach or therapist. Professional support can help you better understand where your emotional triggers come from, change how you relate to past painful experiences, and heal from deep trauma. Or it can focus on those facets of your personality, like the inner critic or our superego, that can push you in unhealthy or self-destructive ways.


Look into a structured program that’s right for you. There are a wide variety of programs that can help you establish and develop your own practice. The Wellbeing Project, for example, offers an 18-month inner development program that teaches self-inquiry techniques. Other programs include The Philanthropy Workshop and Tendrel.


Go on a retreat. Most of the people we spoke to mentioned the value of periodically going on a retreat to rethink priorities and get in touch with themselves. Some are led by teachers or facilitators, but you can also just go somewhere to be alone and quiet. Retreats allow time for uninterrupted reflection and can help you emerge renewed, refreshed, and ready to return to everyday life with a new perspective.


私たちがインタビューしたすべての社会変革のリーダー(社会起業家、慈善家、非営利団体のリーダーを含む)は、自己問いかけを深く聞き、内省的になり、エゴと健全な関係を維持する能力の基本であると説明しました。 私たちの調査では、社会変革のリーダーのために自己探求が触媒した5つの大きな変化を特定しました






Five Shifts Cultivated Through Self-Inquiry

All of the social change leaders we interviewed—social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and nonprofit leaders included—described self-inquiry as fundamental to their ability to deeply listen, be introspective, and maintain a healthy relationship with their ego. Our research identified five broad shifts that self-inquiry catalyzed for social change leaders:

1:changes in self-perception;
2:more awareness of their emotional triggers and ability to cope with “dark” emotional states like anxiety;
3:changes in organizational practices and culture;
4:improved ability to build authentic, trust-based partnerships with other leaders and institutions;
5:and greater awareness of the relationships between individuals, issues, and institutions.

自己探求は、多くの社会変革リーダーの生活において重要な役割を担っています。それは私たち自身の経験から機能することを知っており、より多くのリーダーと彼らが影響を与える人々が彼らの生活を豊かにし、彼らの個人的な有効性を高めるために自己探求を使い始めるにつれて、影響の波紋が高まっていることに興奮しています。 「自問自答のプロセスは、私が私のデフォルトの位置から抜け出し、一時停止し、より広い認識を生み出すのに役立ちました」とシャーは言いました。 「好奇心が拡大したことで、本当に貢献できる可能性が広がりました。」

自己探求への「1つのサイズですべてに当てはまる」アプローチはありませんが、特定の方法論やアプローチを支持したくはありませんが、自己問診の継続的なプロセスは、より成功し、回復力のある、管理されたものを生み出すのに役立つと確信しています。 -遠くへ行ける自我リーダー。社会の変化はマラソンであり、スプリントではありません。自己探究を実践することは、複雑な問題に対処するために他者と協力して謙虚な場所から来る私たちの能力を高めます。 Dulanyが熟考したように、「私たちが自分の内なる障害や行動を乗り越えたときのみ、私たちは世界で行う仕事で自分の最善の行動をとることができます。」


Self-inquiry has assumed a vital role in the lives of many social change leaders. We know that it works from our own experience, and we are excited that the ripples of impact are growing as more leaders and the people they influence start using self-inquiry to enrich their lives and enhance their personal effectiveness. “The process of self-inquiry helped me step out of my default position, pause, and create a wider awareness,” said Shah. “My expanded curiosity enlarges my potential to truly contribute.”

While there is no “one size fits all” approach to self-inquiry, and while we don’t wish to espouse a particular methodology or approach, we are convinced that a continuous process of self-inquiry helps create more successful, resilient, managed-ego leaders who can go the distance. Social change is a marathon, not a sprint, and practicing self-inquiry increases our ability to come from a place of humility in partnering with others to address complex problems. As Dulany mused, “Only when we get past our inner obstacles and behaviors can we act out of our best selves in the work we do in the world.”

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