
「拮抗する力 吉福伸逸のセラピー ハードなアプローチは有害か?その4」















"Antagonistic Force: Shinichi Yoshifuku's Therapy - Is a Hard Approach Harmful? Part 4"

Shinichi Yoshifuku emphasized the importance of approaching therapy with a "force that antagonizes the client's force" when intervening, such as to facilitate the process. The "force" here can be understood as the psychological and physical energy expressed by the client.

Yoshifuku frequently employed somatic approaches, which are rooted in body-centered psychology. For example, if the client’s abdomen starts to twitch, Yoshifuku would gently place his hand on the client’s abdomen. As the client’s abdominal reaction intensifies, Yoshifuku would gradually apply more pressure in sync with the reaction. However, he cautioned against applying unnecessary force to hasten the client’s response. The key is to apply a force that counterbalances the client’s resistance.

Yoshifuku also used other approaches, such as Gestalt therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and imagery therapy, but the concept of antagonistic force applies to any form of psychotherapy. When suppressed emotions begin to surface, the therapist should never force them out but should instead carefully approach in a way that amplifies subtle reactions.

When using this approach, Yoshifuku emphasized the importance of avoiding both under- and over-intervention.

Under-intervention typically occurs when the therapist harbors anxiety or fear about the client’s process intensifying. The therapist may miss intervention opportunities, and even if they intervene, it tends to be half-hearted. This can leave the client feeling frustrated, or worse, hopeless that the therapist is not truly engaged in their process, potentially inducing feelings of abandonment.

On the other hand, there are times when the therapist may want to “fix” the client too intensely. In such cases, the therapist might apply excessive force, leading to over-intervention, such as exerting far more pressure than the opposing force during a somatic approach or forcing the client to express more emotion during exercises.

In such situations, the client may either fall into despair due to feelings of powerlessness and stop their process, or they may start performing exaggerated reactions to meet the therapist’s expectations.

Additionally, sometimes suppressed themes may suddenly and unexpectedly surface, leading to what is known as acting out.

Acting out refers to the behavioral manifestation of conflict or resistance, such as aggressive protests towards the therapist, uncontrollable anger, or even violence.

Many therapists, fearing this acting out, tend to err on the side of under-intervention.

This may be a safe approach, but is it truly the right one? And who is this “safety” really for?

In reality, acting out can occur even with appropriate intervention. Even minimal intervention meant to ensure safety can unintentionally trigger a trauma response, leading to acting out.

You never know where the trigger for trauma stimulation may be hidden.

So, what should be done?
