

皆さんこんにちは! 今日はダウンタウンに行く用事があるのですが、トロントは久しぶりの雨で少し気分は落ち込み気味です😞
(Hi, everyone!! I have a plan to go the downtown in Toronto, but I'm feeling down because it is raining outside:(

(Anyway, I have started writing a Note since the December before last and have written a Note for 1 and a half of the year. Once, I had stopped writing a Note for almost 7 months because I didn't know why I continued this.)

 (This time, I'm gonna share my frank opinion while continuing the Note:)

(Easy summary is as follows.)

  1. 中身の無い内容をただ毎日投稿しても、あんまり意味ない(enjoy勢を除く)
    (It may waste time to write a post, which isn't much to it.)

  2. 読書のアウトプットをするなら、自分の専門分野を追求した方が効果的
    (If you are a reading output, it is more efficient to write your field.)

  3. Noteを続ける「目的」を明確にしないと、継続する理由がわからなくなる
    (You will be confused about continuing Note unless you clear your purpose.)

  4. 記事のコメントが多いNoterさんが素直に凄いと思う
    (I think it is great Noter whose posts have a lot of comments in their posts.)

(I'm gonna share each one. Please understand that this is my opinion and I never think these ones are correct.)

1. 中身の無い内容をただ毎日投稿しても、あんまり意味ない (enjoy勢を除く)

(When I say content without enough story, I mean different things to different people. For instance, it is not a great way to write a post, which has only pictures of your dinner or your favorite anime.)

(It's pointless to continue writing in order to see the "Note popup" instead of your precious time.)

(You can use your time to develop your skill, for instance, making a Blog, studying to get a qualification, and studying English. Therefore, I learned the importance of reviewing my top priority.)


(I have written some self-help books on Note, but I remembered I didn't mean to do that:(

(Of course, self-help books can get many viewers and "suki." However, I felt there are no other advantages for me.)

(If I write a post on Note, I think I don't need to care about the quantity of "suki" and I would read books that have useful knowledge for me and can improve my skills.)

3. Noteを続ける「目的」を明確にしないと、継続する理由がわからなくなる

Noteを初めた当初は「スキマ時間に夢中になれることを見つけたい」との一心で取り組んでいました。またついでに文章力も手に入ればラッキーって感じですね。(When I started a Note, I really wanted to have a passion for doing something while my free time. In addition, it is lucky to get writing skills as well.)

(When I continued to do over the half of the year while having an obscure goal, I was confused about the reason why make an effort to continue.)

(Nowadays, I try to do this because improve my English writing skill and increase the expressions that I can use. Moreover, I write a post whenever I want to and ignore the other things, such as the quantity of PV.)


(I feel that Noter whose post has a lot of comments is good at getting fans. I think they are liked by followers because making comments is a bit tired.)

(Although I cannot express it in one word, they have their good personality and can make an atmosphere that attracts someone, I think.)

(I also think there are many comments with posts from Noter who are concentrating on one thing what they love to do.)

(Thank you for reading my post!)

(To be honest, I think I cannot continue the Note without my goal, which is studying English. I'm glad to do that with my specific goal now!!)

 (I'm looking forward to seeing you next time:)

📖Writing channel の共同マガジン

(I have operated a "shared magazine", in which people can share our posts, and it is a great opportunity to be seen by many people.)
(If you are interested in joining this event, please check this post↓↓↓)


(I also have a Twitter account:) If you have a Note account or Blog, I will definitely follow back to you!!)
