
English Diary #81


Today I slept a lot and woke up at about 9 o'clock. I went shopping in the morning and hung out Futon in the sun. I also did the laundry.

I prepared my presentation for the journal club next month in the anesthesiology department in the afternoon. I'm now writing the limitations, so it'll finish soon.

My boss emailed me about the rescue activities for the diving competition. It seems there aren't enough doctors for the next competition in July. I wanna join the activities, but I've never done it as a doctor yet. I told my boss if there is a senior doctor with me, then I think I can go. I have to wait for the response from other doctors.

Three good things happened today:
1. I'm almost gonna finish the presentation for the journal club next month
2. I emailed my boss
3. I cleaned my room

Today's sentence
I went shopping in the morning and hung out Futon in the sun.
