
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.21☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 20, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[14:04] GEOFF BENNETT: The Japanese superstar, often called a modern-day Babe Ruth, accomplished the feat in typically superlative fashion.
ANNOUNCER: But he got his foot in!
GEOFF BENNETT: Going six for six from the plate with three home runs, 10 RBIs and two steals, a historic feat of its own. Fans in Japan celebrated, while at home commentators called it one of the greatest single-game performances in sports history.

[24:49] Alsobrooks is ahead in polls, but knows it's closer than Democrats like. She stresses that voters here are attuned to control in Washington.
ANGELA ALSOBROOKS (D), Maryland Senatorial Candidate: It is close because there's a lot at stake here. But I think Marylanders are very savvy, and they will understand the difference between a governor's race and a Senate race, one where our reproductive freedoms, democracy and so many other issues are on the ballot.

[30:56] DAVID BROOKS: Yes, I guess the counterargument would be, first, if you're for abortion rights, your mind is made up. Like, you don't need Mark Robinson's case to persuade you. And, second, if I could -- this is a tangent, but I just think the abortion issue is obviously a great issue for Democrats. But I think the Harris campaign is spending too much time talking about it. They should be talking about the economy, the economy, the economy.

[34:07] And just sort of personally, I'm insulted on behalf of Jewish people, my Jewish friends, that a person running for president of the United States is already pre-blaming a group of people: If I lose, it's your fault.

[** pre-blaming = Jonathan Capehartの造語。意味は番組内で説明がある通り ]

[34:50] GEOFF BENNETT: But you wrote: "Right now, I'd say Kamala Harris is benefiting from the beginning of a cultural shift and is beginning to have the cultural winds at her back. Donald Trump is beginning to be slapped in the face by those winds." Tell me more.
DAVID BROOKS: That's such a good opening. You should do that every week. I have been traveling a lot. I have been in 13 or 14 states in the last two weeks, some red, like Nebraska and Kansas, some blue, like Colorado and New York and California. And one thing I have noticed is people talking about negativity. They're just tired of the negativity of our public life. And there's this -- periods where you go through periods of indignation, where people are really angry. But then they -- you can only be angry for so long. And Donald Trump won because people were really indignant. But my sense is that they have had enough of it. In the 1960s, in the early 1970s, there were 4,000 bombings on American college campuses. It was -- days of rage, it was called. By 1974, they're into EST and crystal and New Age stuff. And so people eventually get tired of all the negativity. And I think that cultural pivot is happening right now, at a time when Kamala Harris -- and she's -- not because she's reading it, it's just who she is -- is cheerful and joyful and let's not be negative all the time, and let's have a good time as a country. And so I think she's benefiting from the cultural pivot.

[** "cultural shift"が今回の大統領選を占うキーワードの一つかもしれません。意味は番組内で説明がある通り  ]

[36:38] It's not so much that she's riding -- she's -- like see this wave coming and she's riding. No, she is part of the culture. And that's why I think when she became the top of the ticket, everyone marveled at how quickly the light switch flipped. That can -- and it happened so organically in a very dramatic fashion. That, to me, says you can't manufacture that. And she was able to do that because she is the culture.

[37:57] DAVID BROOKS: Well, yes, look at Donald Trump. He emerged in the '80s, which was an era of self and of money and raw capitalism. The culture was with him, and then he sort of vanished and went down because the culture had shifted. And so we -- politicians and celebrities rise and fall by how the culture moves. And culture really does move, and you get these periods of anger and hostility and conflict. World War I then leads to the Flappers in the 20s. World War II leads to the domesticity of the 1950s. So decades shift, and people want something different. And so I think we're in one of those shifts.

[** In this context, domesticity likely refers to the societal emphasis on home life, family values, and traditional gender roles, where many women were expected to focus on homemaking and child-rearing. This reflects a return to stability and normalcy after the war, contrasting with the image of Rosie the Riveter during World War II.]

[40:59] CAOILFHIONN GALLAGHER, International Human Rights Lawyer, Doughty Street Chambers: So Jimmy Lai already should not be on trial. He's on trial, essentially, for being a journalist. It's a conspiracy-to-commit-journalism case. That's bad enough in itself.

[47:59] AMNA NAWAZ: Bawdiness, meaning you were the first one to crack an inappropriate joke or curse along with the guys.
CONNIE CHUNG: Exactly. You got it. And it was disarming, frankly. They knew after a while, after I'd been around the newsroom a bit, that I could get to the bad side faster and funnier than they could. And they were left flummoxed. It was a different era.



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