

KAYA is a collaborative project, combining the independent practices of painter Kerstin Bratsch (*1969, Hamburg, Germany) and sculptor Debo Eilers (*1974, Texas, USA), both living and working in New York.

paintings were sliced, patched, re-tuned again and again. A reclining figure played a sick painting.


Kerstin Brätsch and Debo Eilers: Stone Call is for Bodybag PLUMP PUCKER, 2015, metal, vinyl rope, oil on mylar, vinyl, grommets, epoxy, plexiglass cans and urethane, 153½ by 74¾ by 15¾ inches; at Meyer Kainer.

Metal, vinyl rope, oil on mylar, vinyl, grommets, epoxy, plexiglass, urethane
460 x 210 x 30 cm
181 1/8 x 82 11/16 x 11 13/16 inches
Courtesy Galerie Meyer Kainer.

