Safari 誕生秘話


当時のWebブラウザといえば今や亡きInternet Explorerの全盛で、Mozilla(後のFirefox)がオープンソースで開発されており、Chromeはまだ生まれていませんでした。IEの世界シェアはなんと95%に達していました。



Safariの開発に携わった Ken Kocienda がKTHMLを採用した理由や、Safariの驚くべき開発方針、そしてスティーブ・ジョブズについて Inside Apple Software Design で語っています。

Ken: The way Apple worked in this period, during the Steve Jobs era, is that he would set this vision. His vision was that Apple needs its own web browser. This exciting new technology, the Web, was something that wasn't under its own control. We considered writing a browser from scratch, and we also considered going out and licensing from a company like Opera. But we looked at open source because we were a team of two people. And web browser is a pretty complicated thing. We thought that if we could make a compelling case to use open source to jump ahead in the effort, it would get us to a point where we would have something sooner. That was really the goal.

2002年当時、MacOSにはマイクロソフトのInternet Explorerがバンドルされていました。キーテクノロジーの内製化にこだわるジョブズがこの状況を変えるべく、ブラウザ開発のプロジェクトをスタートさせました。


Andreessen: Interestingly, the two codebases that you considered to get Safari off the ground were Mozilla and Konqueror, and they were both open source.
Ken: Neither Mozilla nor Konquer worked on the Mac. It just came down that Konqueror was just 1/10th of the size of Mozilla. As a two-person team, this was just the easiest way to get from where we were to where we wanted to be.


実際、当時のMozillaはかなり肥大化しており、その動作はお世辞にも軽いものとは言えませんでした。またWindows, Mac, Linuxなどマルチプラットフォームに対応しており、コード量が多かったことは容易に想像できます。

Andreessen: Pretty early in the development process, you ended up building a stop watch. Talk a little bit about why they decided to do that.
Ken: It was really Don Melton's idea. He said, "if we check in code, and if it doesn't make any speed regression, only two things can happen. Either the code will remain the same speed, or it will get faster." It's just one of these simple things just turned out to be this profound truth. As we go over hundreds of check-ins, that's what happened. Eventually, Safari, when it was released, was three times faster than IE at loading webpages.


Safariの開発者がソースコードをコミットする際に自動的にページロードテストが実行され、パフォーマンスが劣化するコードはコミットできない仕組みだったようです。これはプロジェクトマネージャーのDon Meltonによって考案され、その結果、SafariはIEよりも3倍速くWebページを読み込む事ができたとの事です。現代のソフトウェア開発の現場でも取り入れたい手法ですね。



a16z Podcast: Inside Apple Software Design
