
財務モデリング講座 第14回:Excelファイルを財務モデルにする心構え


動画: 2.4 Understanding model structure

Everything that we do in a model, everything is laid out in a particular way for a reason. It’s not by accident and born of a lot of years and many thousands of people's experiences. And so what we are teaching here really captures a vast amount of human experience when it comes to modeling.


Excel files are called "Workbooks" and that's a very useful analogy to hold book structure and professional writing analogy.


It is really helpful. If you looked at facts of business writing, you know that one of the keys of effective business writing is that you write for the reader. you know you write to be clearly understood.

One of the ways that you achieve that is through simplicity. Keeping things very simple and straightforward, massively helps readability.



So we want short, clear, declarative sentences and when I'm reviewing writing from my team, one of the most frequent things I do and when I'm editing is take long sentences and make them short sentences.

Just as a transformational effect on your writing when you keep things short. Whenever you find yourself using the word “and” to connect two clauses together, very often find that those big are better separated into two sentences.


単語 "and(そして) "を使用して一緒に2つの句を接続するたび、多くの場合、2つの文に分離するほうがよいことが非常に多いです。

And another principle is BLUF (bottom line up front). That is, you have a paragraph of writing that should really be one idea per paragraph.


And that idea should be at the start of a paragraph. So you are not forcing your reader to wade through a lot of your sure very impressive arguments and rational and reasoning to get to your main idea. Give them the main idea first.


So let's have a look and see how we take these kinds of considerations about an effective presentation of writing and apply them to our Excel files.


First of all, let’s look at the workbook level. If you're writing a longer report, you are going to break it up with chapters. So we will have a debt sheet,an input sheet,and a time sheet.So it's easy to find the main topics within the book. Less important if it's a very small model you can get away with doing it perhaps even on one sheet, just like you can do a one-page memo. But if it's a longer piece of work, they need to break it up into topics. Sequencing it from left to right is easy to read. Then we think of the worksheet is being like a chapter.


So when you're within a chapter what you want is a sensible sequencing and you also one clear labeling. In a chapter you'll be used to putting in section headings and subsection heading to sign post to the reader this is what this section is about. Really important that we do in our models as well.


Then within the worksheet itself we've got calculation blocks just like with a chapter you've got paragraphs.


In the calculation block, we stick to one calculation per block rule, wherever we possibly can. Not always possible, sometimes that is a judgment call, but whenever possible one calculation per block and it's always in the same place.


That's always at the bottom of the block so you can easily find it quickly. Calculations are like sentences within the paragraph. You want to keep them short we want to keep them clear using simple not overly flowery language.
Same rule, we’re always looking to see what is the simplest way that we can achieve something in Excel.


So these are the principles that we are following. And over the coming couple of tutorials I'm going to show you how we apply that in our model.
So as we progress into actually building a model, all of the structure will make sense to you.




