Zooko Wilcoxが語るZcashが目指すモデル

Zcashは取引の匿名性をコンセプトとした仮想通貨で、そのコンセプトのためマネーロンダリング等に使われることを懸念され、日本国内では金融庁がホワイトリストに加えなかった。ただ、その開発者であるZooko Wilcoxは有名人のようで、様々なカンファレンスで登壇している。そこで彼自身がMediumに書いたZcashの基金に関するレターを読んでみる。


The Zcash project was originally funded by a group of professional investors who put in a total of $3 million to fund the creation of Zcash. Zcash was designed to follow the same issuance schedule as Bitcoin — issuing 21 million coins in total — half as many coins in each four-year-long period.


I’m extremely proud of our team for both inventing break-through protective technology and simultaneously delivering a live, secure system that has survived years of active attack in the wild while delivering around ten billion of dollars of transactional value for its users. There are few other teams on earth that can claim this kind of achievement — either within the cryptocurrency industry or any industry, and probably none that have accomplished something like this on such a small initial budget.


Some of the technologies we pioneered in Zcash “Sapling” are now becoming the global standard for zero-knowledge proofs, not only in the cryptocurrency industry but in every industry.


The current model in which everyone in the whole world is vulnerable to Facebook and whoever can exploit them is no longer considered tolerable.


Zcash demonstrates that a better model is possible, in which people are protected by their products and services instead of endangered by them, and which fits laws and regulations, and honors the great American traditions of civil rights, free enterprise, trustworthy institutions, and the rule of law.



前にイーサリアムの開発者であるVitalik Buterinについて書いたときもそうだったが、GoogleやFacebookに委ねたくないという動機が強いようだ。仮想通貨を推進する人だけでなく、多くの人がGoogle/Facebook依存から脱却したいと考えており、その文脈で彼らの名前が聞かれる機会が多いのだろう。
