


事の発端はツイキャスで放送されている大人気のホラー系ラジオ「禍話」の中で某氏がとある雑誌、平川ヨウイチ 雑学世界の謎と不思議の中から紹介された記事が気になって調べたことだ。ちなみにこの雑誌は1989年に出版されている。


あまりにもぶっ飛んだ内容だったので、つい魔がさしたんです。googleに「Peter Underwood Paranormal phenomenon sex」(ピーターアンダーウッド 心霊現象 セックス)と入力し検索をしてしまったんだ。

1972年 Peter Underwood 著 Into the Occult 

Peter Underwood ”INTO THE OCCULT"


"Sex and Psychic Phenomena" つまりセックスと心霊現象とある







I have carried out in this field over the last twenty years, which show a distinct correlation between conscious and unconscious sexual motives and so-called ‘spontaneous’ psychic phenomena: the manifestation of apparently paranormal activity without the aid or instigation of a living person.


p113 Into The Occult

Articles have appeared in the publications of the British Society for Psychical Research suggesting that certain of the early psychical researchers obtained sexual gratification in the course of their investigations, and it occurs to me that this activity itself may have promoted or helped to produce psychic manifestations.


Into The Occult




The early investigators of mediumistic phenomena became convinced that the force used in mediumship bore a close relationship with the seminal force, and that abuse or full use of this destroyed the mediumistic powers. Sir William Crookes once stated at a meeting of The Ghost Club that he knew a lady medium who lost all her powers when she became ‘excited’.


Into The Occult

One aspect of the sexual element in spontaneous psychic activity is represented by the possible association between masturbation and poltergeist phenomena, which is riddled with sexual symbolism, and it was perhaps fortunate that during the course of an early investigation into a poltergeist case in Essex many years ago I met a well-known broadcaster and writer who, during the course of the discussion on the case, chanced to say: ‘I have often wondered whether there is any connection between masturbation and poltergeist activity’.


Into The Occult


My records show a considerable number of poltergeist cases where it has been established that the nexus of the poltergeist was a persistent masturbator, and it is possible that the psychic energy which poltergeists use may be obtained at the time of release of sexual tension—when, in fact, the masturbator reaches his climax.


Into The Occult




Professor Enrico Morselli reported that medium Eusapia Palladino, at the height of producing physical phenomena, appeared to be in a state of voluptuous ecstasy, squeezing together her tense thighs and trembling feet and abandoning her whole body to those nearest to her.


Into The Occult



Dr Fielding Ould, during the course of discussing his psychic experiences at The Ghost Club, told members that while in India he was called to a house which had a quadrangle in the center, open at the top—not uncommon in the Madras area.
Here frequent showers of stones fell through the open space. Nothing could be seen from outside the house, but the phenomenon had been observed inside from many positions. The open space was used for drying purposes, and occasionally when clothes were put out they would ignite all along the line.

After careful inquiries throughout the household the doctor discovered a girl about the age of puberty, suffering from unnatural suspension of the menstrual functions. The girl was removed from the house, and the phenomena immediately ceased, but go where she would similar ‘poltergeist’ happenings took place in the vicinity of her person. Provocative medicine was given, and while she was in a healthy state nothing unusual occured. The girl was eventually cured. Dr Ould believed that this psychic force could be stored up in girls about the age of puberty, and he spoke of another case in Devon where poltergeist-like phenomena occurred under very similar conditions.

Pent- up energy, he felt, was apt to be used in a psychic way. Certainly girls at the age of puberty are conscious of physical upheaval, and perhaps at that time are more susceptible to psychic influence than at any other time in their life. It is known that minute and spontaneous rhythmic contractions occur in women in the vagina floor every eight to ten minutes throughout the child-bearing period of their lives.

These contractions originate near the cervix and pass downward, the rhythmic rate being the same throughout. Stimulation of adjacent organs has no effect on the contractions, which are so slight that they cannot be appreciated by touch, but pituitrin administered hypodermically will cause an immediate increase in rate and amplitude, and slightly change the form of the contractions. No similar contractions occur in the rectum, and in women past the menopause the contractions are absent.

It is possible that in a few individuals, at certain times and perhaps especially during the post-menstrual week, an unknown type of energy is produced which finds release in people who practise mediumship, but in a few others the energy is released spontaneously, and may result in what we call spontaneous psychic phenomena.







Into The Occult





Every ghost-hunter knows that there are many haunted gallows, prisons, and places of execution and many reported ghosts of hanged murderers and haunted sites of murder.


Into The Occult


In some cases repressed sex (i.e., masturbation) causes or feeds psychic phenomena, whereas unrestrained sex (i.e., full sexual activity with a member of the opposite sex) does not do so. This is a puzzling point, and one that drives home something I discovered long ago—namely, that there are no clear-cut classifications of hauntings; there are in fact many kinds, and some of them, I am quite convinced, are reliant upon certain sexual activity for their production and continuation. Masturbation, however, is only one of the sexual origins of spontaneous psychic phenomena.


Into The Occult



To many people the idea that there is an all-important sexual element in much psychic activity is unacceptable, but in all scientific research it is of paramount importance to keep every possibility in mind, for only then will any search for truth yield full harvest. My researches—which have extended for over twenty years—have convinced me that all too frequently where there is not sex harmony, tolerance, and understanding, and where there is frustration and unhappiness, psychic phenomena are often to be found. Perhaps there is no relationship between these functions, but I believe that there is a very significant relationship, which becomes overwhelmingly apparent with patient and extended research.

このように多くの心霊現象に性的な要素があるということは、多くの人にとって受け入れがたいことですが、あらゆる科学的研究において、あらゆる可能性を念頭に置くことが最も重要であり、そうしてこそ、真理の探究に十分な収穫をもたらすことができるのです。 私は20年以上にわたる研究によって、性の調和、寛容、理解がなく、欲求不満や不幸があるところに、心霊現象がしばしば見られると確信している。これらの機能には何の関係もないのかもしれないが、私は非常に重要な関係があると信じており、それは根気よく長く研究することによって圧倒的に明らかになる。

