
Fruits and visitors

< English follows >















I woke up around 5:30 this morning and, out of habit, peeked out the bedroom window. And there, on the stone path in front of the entrance, was a fat squirrel munching on a nut.

Since moving here, I have been unbelievably hectic, but gardening has become my little escape. So I've noticed someone has been bringing in strange nuts and making a mess.

So it was you, squirrel!

Our garden is a treasure trove of different trees. Right now, our fig trees are bearing fruit. After a rainy day, the kids love searching for the perfectly ripe figs that have appeared overnight.

Our grapevines produce small but sweet grapes. However, sneaky squirrels always beat us before we can enjoy them at their peak.

The quince trees bear fruit high up in their branches. It finally drove us to buy a telescopic fruit picker. I will try to make some jam with those strange fruits.

The beautiful garden also has cherry, plum, and apricot trees. Our generous landlord has someone to take care of most of it, so we can purely enjoy spending time weeding and tidying up.

Anyway, no matter what, squirrels appear out of nowhere and steal the grapes or scatter mysterious nuts around. When I lived in a flat, I found squirrels charming as I watched them scamper from branch to branch. On the contrary, now that I live in the countryside, they're not that cute.

Our garden has other visitors too. We have to be careful in managing our trash because City Foxes are sometimes on the lookout for a snack. Our neighbour's tabby cat also makes frequent visits. Of course, there's a whole world of worms and insects in our garden too.

My children love exploring the garden and greeting all the creatures they find.

The other day, my girl called out loudly, "Mum, come and see my beautiful worm!".

I went. I looked. There was a giant earthworm placed on a bed of rose petals. Well, I think her sense of beauty is quite unique, so I'll keep the photo to myself.
