
IELTSじゃないとあかんの?【PTE Academic 対策簡単まとめ for Visa】 No.2.2 〜Writing Write essay編〜今だけ無料






The controversial topic concerning (トピック) never fails to attract public attention. There has been a heated debate on whether (トピック単数形) can provide benefits to our society or not. In this essay, I shall elaborate on my point of view by analysing both sides of the argument before deducing a proper conclusion.

First of all, it is quite reasonable for me to believe that the idea of promoting (トピック) provides several merits. The first point in regards to the issue is that the benefits of (トピック) have contributed to the advancement of the subject; (2 examples/ and) would be convincing examples to name but a few. As a result, (トピック) can be beneficial for both old and new generations across the world.

In contrast, it is commonly known as the fact that (トピック) can (harm/benefit) our communities. Nevertheless, this statement does hold water to some extent. Moreover, it should be pointed out that there are various (concerns/advantages), such as (2 examples). Furthermore, these examples can be significant factors that ought to be considered.

In conclusion, due to the aforementioned reasons, we may safely conclude that the positive impacts of (トピック) far outweigh the drawbacks. Therefore, I strongly recommend keeping this trend in the future for societies to take careful steps to mitigate potential problems.


・3段落目の(harm/benefit) (concerns/advantages)は文脈から考えて選ぶ


・本番前にテンプレートが有効かどうかMock Test(模試)で確認した方が良い



参考動画:PTE Essay Writing Tips and Tricks





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